got a new varmint rifle!!!!!


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well everyone...i finally did it. i still have my trusty old 22-250 but i bought a new remington 700 sps varmint in 204 ruger. my first 5 shots at 25 yards without breaking in the barrel shot a group that i could cover with a nickel. i was shooting the hornady 40gr v-max. i was impressed to say the least. with the heavy barrel the recoil is like a 17hmr. if you can even call that recoil. but i took it out coyote hunting last friday and i let my brother shoot the only coyote we called in with my 22-250. but there was one dumb gopher still out and i let him hold it. There wasnt much left of him. I put a sightron 2.5-10x44 on it and i cant wait till i have more time to take it out. and the best part of all is that i can get the hornady 40gr. for 11.50 per box versus 18.00 with my employee discount where i work. My dad liked it soo much that he bought an identical one yesterday! I havent taken pics of it yet but as soon as i do i will get the up on here.

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