S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

Guest 2500HD

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Guest 2500HD

I was looking into a S&W 500 and possbly using it for deer hunting some in IL. Help me under stand the regulations for handguns in IL. IDNR states the following under legal firearms:


Because the case length of the 500 is 1.625" it is not legal for hunting in IL. When I read it it only states that for necked cartriges and the straight wall cartriges must have at least 500 ft/lbs at the muzzle which is no problem for the 500. Is it legal or not????

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Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

I'm not familiar with the S&W 500, but you are legal if it is a revolver. The cartridge length pertains to the necked cartridges, the 500 fpe refers to the straight walled cartridges. I would say you are good to go if the barrel length is more than 4 inches. .....popgun

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Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

The guys at the gun shop were the ones telling me it was illegal but that wasn't how I read the regulations. I'm still gonna get one anyway!

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Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???


Hmm...I figured that at least they would get it right...

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Don't ever take the word of some sales clerk. They generally aint rocket scientists.

I stood at a Walmart counter here in Indiana and overheard the clerk advise a customer that buckshot was a good choice for his up coming deer hunt. I asked the customer where he was going hunting (as buckshot is illegal here) and he told me he was going to be on some state land here in Indiana. I have to wonder just how many ill informed customers left that Wally World with bad advise.


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Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

I was in the shop on some other business and this subject came up. I know them and they are very honest people just felt they were misunderstanding the regulation. I can't afford the dealer prices on that gun....I will have to get it wholesale!

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Guest SavageTaylor

Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

Not try'n to hyjack your thread, I consider this related although it has nothing to do with Hunting with a .500 S&W in IL, USA... . Our local gun club indoor range limits the member handgun maximum caliber to to .44 Mag, I am ok because that is my largest handgun, but it makes me wonder how much difference there is between the .44 Mag & the .50 Mag in noise & in force of impact? I wouldn't be surprised that someone in the club will buy one soon, so we may have to ammend the standing orders, but wondering if we also need to upgrade the backstop?

Our Range is underground in the basement of the clubhouse & has a backstop of sandbags frontede by strips of heavy conveyor belt material. What do you all think on this?


My Redhawk .44 7 1/2" barrel


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Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL???

originally posted by SavageTaylor;


how much difference there is between the .44 Mag & the .50 Mag in noise & in force of impact?

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Not much difference in the noise level but the 500 will hit the backstop much harder. I personally don't enjoy shooting big bores indoor. The muzzle flash and concussion can be somewhat distracting.


wondering if we also need to upgrade the backstop?

Our Range is underground in the basement of the clubhouse & has a backstop of sandbags frontede by strips of heavy conveyor belt material.

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I'm assuming the conveyor belt mat'l is used to prevent back splash, right? It should be OK. Depending on how deep the sand bags are will dictate how much abuse they'll be able to withstand.

You may want to look into building a more sturdy bullet trap for a couple of the firing lanes. Some of the older designs used for indoor ranges were never intended for some of the high energy rounds that are out there now.


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