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Just got in a little bit ago from the woods on the opening morning of shotgun season in NY. I saw one deer and I passed on it...not sure if I'm gonna regret it now or not, but knowing that Andy has seen a nice buck from the same stand twice now, I decided to wait. It wasn't a huge buck but had 3 points on one side and the other side was bladed/palmated with no other points. Small thick, unique rack and I let him go by. If I see him tonight, I'll take him, because around here you never know when the buck you see may be the last you see during the season because they all seem to "disappear".

What would you have done...passed or tagged out on a buck early?

How'd the rest of the NYer's do this morning?

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Just came in from opening day here in NY. I also passed on a smaller buck this morning. Let's hope I will see another buck and not regret passing up this morning's buck. I also saw a button buck about three feet from my ladder stand this morning. It was so tiny and all by itself. Mother probably ran it off or got shot earlier.

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Thats ok ruth, I had 6 doe within 20 yards this morning, and i let them walk because we have been seeing a really good buck on the property. Talked to the landowner this afternoon on my way in for the afternoon hunt, and he told me the big boy got hit by a car earlier this week. That sucks!

I was hoping the doe would come back by this afternoon, but og course they didn't. I did have a spike intent on committing suicide, but I let him pass. I let him walk a couple of weeks ago with the bow too.

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Guess it depends on what you think is in your area and on what your own goals are. "Tagging out" is not of any importance to me.

Have killed one, with the ml, so I feel like there is no pressure. Got two more tags here for bucks for myself Ruth, and they may very well both go unused. I know there is a solid 3.5 year old 8 pointer around now, and that is my target buck. We have 2 deer in the freezer now, which would normally not be much, but we had a steer processed not too long back, so freezer space is limited. Unless I see something for the wall from here on out this season, I am not likely to be shooting. Did pass up youngster here just yesterday late in the morning for our gun opener. If the weather here will ever get right and stay right, things should get pretty good.

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just remember Ruth---you won't put your tag on a big boy if you shoot the first small buck you see. Hopefully the bruiser will show up tonight.

good luck


I agree with Todd, you cant shoot a buck of a lifetime if you have already tagged out. Keep your head up and get out and enjoy the outdoors, besides if I remember you already killed a buck this season, try to get one bigger than that one before you pull the trigger, try to better your self each time and have fun

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my wife and son all have tags along with me so when the season starts i take them with me.the first deer a nice 6 point(maybe even a small 8 both main beams were broke)my son took,then my wife took a nice little 3 pointer.both really good freezer meat.6 days ago my sister was hunting with us and she got the big buck thats by my name.i thought it was smaller so she took it.but moral of the story is we fill the freezer first then my buck is the wall hanger hopefully.but we also got 1 wk left and then one wk of ml.if it gets close i will take a small one.its really your disgression.

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Well had a doe come in this morning, about 65 yards and I hit her low, possible leg shot. I tracked in in the snow we did have, not alot, and not alot of blood. She stopped once, small puddle of blood and three small bone chips, that's it. She ran across a huge field, just specks of blood, then the blood stopped. I'm guessing she may not be hurt too bad considering she was still running. Then I bumped the nice buck Andy has seen but not shot. Tonight a deer snuck through in front of me 70 yards, couldn't tell what it was, big body though. The neighbors are pushing the woods though so the deer don't come out until it's dark and then they bed down early...oh well

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I took a 6 pt on opening morning. In wny where I live, i'v seen one trophy buck ( 8 pt) and 5 small buck ( 4,5,6 pt). odds of me killing that trophy with all the other public land hunters around is slim to none. I take what i can get around here and it ain't easy. so I guess waht I'm trying to say is only you can decide what is good for you, despite what everyone else tells you. Shoot whatever makes you happy.

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