Big Blacktail


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November 18th

I woke up at 4:45am to an absolutely perfect morning. We had a heavy frost on the ground and the rut is on. It just doesn't get any better than that.

I got down to Don's farm at 6:12am since legal shooting time is 6:32. Hunting by my lonesome this morning.

I laid a good doe-in-estrus scent trail all the way from the pump-house, down along the corn-field, up the other side, across the little bridge, down along the back fence-line, to where the deer come out of this one spot of the bush, and then cut kitty-corner across the field to the stream. I scented it up real good there, then all the way down the trail toward the stream. I left the deer trail there, with the scent, and went around the top of a big fallen tree, that came down in the big storm last week, then across in front of where I'd be sitting at about 20 yrds.

I didn't use a drag rag, but just kept spraying my boots instead.

Legal shooting time came and went, and nothing showed up. Then around 7:00am, I see a little fawn step out of the trail, and it followed the scent trail right to me. It started walking in on me, and got within about 10 ft, saw me and bolted. It ran back across the field, and stood there, wondering what that strange object was sitting almost on it's trail ..LOL. It decided I was OK, and came back, but crossed the creek further down from me at about 35 yrds, just on the other side of the fallen tree. must have been a little nubber, because it sure liked the scent trail.

Then, about 5 minutes later, another lone little spiker comes across on the same trail. He fallows the scent around the fallen tree, and almost comes right into me, but decides to cross the stream on a trail about 10 yrds to my right.

I start scanning the nice light frosty field slowly tuning my head, and catch movement coming up the tree-line to my left. It's 2 fawns, fallowed by a little 2x2. They stopped at my scent trail where I entered my cleared out natural blind location, and walked right in on me. They circle around behind me, as a slowly turned my head back around, so I wouldn't miss anything on my right. I could here them only feet behind me and then out the 2 fawns walk, right past me, directly downwind, within arms-reach. I couldn't believe it, and they never even gave me a glance. Unreal.

The little 2x2 was a bit smarter though, and didn't like the big, Realtree camoed blob sitting almost on the trail, so he started stomping his feet behind me, trying to make me turn around...LOL. I just stayed motionless, and he decided to jump the stream behind me, and walk away. I didn't even know he had left, until I slowly turned around, after hearing him jump the stream.

So, now it's about 7:20, and I've seen 5 very small blacktails. No make that 7. Here comes a nice doe, with a fawn, across the same trail as the first 2 deer, but she isn't interested in the scent whatsoever as she and her fawn, walk just on the other side of the fallen tree and across the stream, to my right.

Then about 7:30, I catch some movement as a doe steps into the field from the same trail, the others came out of. Then, another doe, followed by a really nice buck. As he started crossing the field toward me, behind the two smaller does, I said under my breath..."yeah, your the one" ..LOL

Then, he stops walking, and tuns around and stares back into the direction he came from. The 2 does continued there way across the field, paying no attention to my carefully laid scent trail, and passed in behind the fallen tree at 35 yrds., just like the last one.

The buck looked over his shoulder at them, and then ran back to where he came from ....."GEESH", I thought, "Just my luck"

About 5 minutes went by, as I prayed for the buck to re-appear. I spotted another small deer, making it's way across the little bridge way down the field and following my scent trail, down along the fence-line. I figured it must have been a little spiker.

Then, just as the little spiker was almost to the trail where the other deer had come out on, out runs a good size doe, and hot on her heels is that awesome buck. The safety went off quick, so he wouldn't hear it, as they ran across to the big fallen tree. They both stopped in behind the thick branched near the top of the tree, but again were on the other side of it. That buck, had no interest in my scent trail at all. He had already found what he wanted ..LOL. The doe started to run again, as she disappeared to cross the stream. My shotgun, was already up and ready as the buck took off after her. I was in panic mode all of a sudden, because he was about to disappear, in a couple split seconds behind her. I let out a loud "MAaaaaaa" ...nothing, then another even louder, "MAAAAAAA !!!" .....He stopped dead in his tracks, at 35 yrds. only 10 ft from disappearing into the weeds and crossing the stream. I put my pin on his vitals, and fired.

Off he went, down along the stream, and then left, back to where he came from. He was running on 3 legs, so I knew I hit him good. He stopped just before he went into the grass and bush, and wavered a bit, like he was about to go down, and then disappeared.

I didn't hear a thing ...all was quiet ....I bowed my head, and said "Thank you Lord".

My heart was pumping, I was shaking like crazy, and I felt Gooooood ...LOL

I took my time, packing up my stool, and slowly walked across the field. I got to where he stopped momentarily and entered the tall grass and bush, but didn't see any blood. I slowly walked the trail in, and still no blood. I knew I hit him good. I stopped to look around real good, and there he was, laying behind the root of another tree that was toppled during the storm.

He must have ran a good 100 yrds, but was a cinch to find, even without blood, since I could see him the first 80 yrds of his last run.

What a totally awesome, frosty, rutty morning. I feel good.

Look at the trash on those bases.

This puppy may not look too big to some of you Whitetail hunters, but for a Vancouver Island Blacktail, he's a trophy.






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Very nice! A mature deer. Maybe they don't get as big there but the mature animals are always the toughest to hunt. You did GOOD!

How old is a Vancouver blacktail that size?

I'm thinking your answer might surprise some folks.

You're right Leo. This buck is at the very least 4 1/2 years old, maybe older.;) You know your stuff Leo;)

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