First Pics w/ Cuddeback!!!!!

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Well as some of you might know, I got a Cuddeback Digital for Christmas. I put it out for 2 weeks and got about 350 pics. Here are the best ones grin.gif

2 coons w/ 2 deer!!

[image] 5996CDY_0197-med.JPG [/image]


[image]5996CDY_0178-med.JPG [/image]

Look Closely... Button Buck or Already lost rack?????

[image] 5996CDY_0162-med.JPG [/image]

Look Close.... Lost his rack already

[image]5996CDY_0159-med.JPG [/image]

Rabbit N Deer

[image]5996CDY_0153-med.JPG [/image]

Squirrel N Deer

[image]5996CDY_0091_1_-med.JPG [/image]

Deer N Turkey!!

[image]5996CDY_0090_1_-med.JPG [/image]

We see you!!

[image]5996CDY_0064-med.JPG [/image]

What'd you SAY!!!!

[image]5996CDY_0063-med.JPG [/image]


[image]5996CDY_0053_1_-med.JPG [/image]

He got em nervous!!

[image]5996CDY_0041-med.JPG [/image]

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Re: First Pics w/ Cuddeback!!!!!

great pics---your camera seems to work great.

BTW--One little piece of advise--don't dump your corn in one big pile--the corn on the bottom can get moldy and may be harmful if eaten. Plus you have less nose to nose contact by the deer if you scatter the corn instead of dumping---just some friendly advise!

again---congrats on the new camera


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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Re: First Pics w/ Cuddeback!!!!!

lol..... I had a little corn in it also. Just had the corn out b/c it was cold and wanted to get some pictures quickly.... THe hunting season was over for about a month so its not like I was hunting over it or anything. ALso, deer need those carbs now going into winter.

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