Serious Slug Gun sitein question!!!!!!!


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Hey Im trying to get my slug gun sited in before the season opener and I'm going into a indoor range. I have a fully rifeled barrel with a 4x 32 scope im shooting the Breneke KO Sabot the max depth at the range is 25yds so where do I need to be on my target to be dead nuts at 75-100 yds I really dont field hunt I hunt from a stand in the woods so really 50yds would be my max!!!!!!!

Thanks alot


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In my opinion, you owe it to the animal you hunt, to know your weapon. Why take the chance. get to a range where you can shoot out to 100 yards, or worst case, limit your shots to close range. I know this isn't what you want to hear. sorry.

That's what I was thinking. Sight it in for your longest possible shot. At shorter distances the difference won't matter if your shooting at the vitals.

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At 25 yards you should be a touch, .25" or so, high. I have my 870 with Lightfields set at 2.25" high at 50 yards. I did this as per Lightfield's website. They state that the slug should be sighted in while the it is still supersonic. You should at least fling some slugs out to 100 yards. But being it slows so much there is alot of variables that have to looked at, wind drifts is huge on a slug.

Here is the write up on Lightfield's website:

Slug guns must be zeroed (sighted-in) at a distance where the slug will impact the target while still in the supersonic phase of its flight. Most slugs become subsonic, travelling less than 1220 feet per second, slightly beyond a muzzle distance of 50 yards, thus making 50 yards the ideal zeroing distance. Zeroing at 50 yards also cuts down, by approximately 60%, the chance of adjusting windage error into your scope setting.

A common shortcut taken by a majority of shooters is the attempt to zero their guns at 100 yards. This is a serious mistake as several significant factors come into play that will prevent an accurate zero at this distance in all cases. When zeroing a slug gun at 100 yards only, you never know how much windage is turned into your scope setting. Your gun becomes effectively sighted in for that day's wind only, and your point of zero will be as much as 6 inches off of where it should be.

Zero your gun at 50 yards, 2-3/4" high of absolute dead center on your left, no right, simply 2-3/4" high. You will then be dead-on zeroed at 100 yards because gravity will see to it. Check trajectory data for the brand of ammunition you are shooting and adjust the height of your 2-3/4" 50 yard true zero as necessary so as to produce a dead-on gravity zero at 100 yards.

Once your gun has been zeroed at 50 yards, you should fire the weapon at a range of 100 and then again at 150 yards so that you can get a feel for how negative factors, such as wind drift, will effect your shot placement. A perfect hold at 100 yards may now produce a target impact as far as 6 to 8 inches off your point of aim, but since your gun has been precisely zeroed at 50 yards, you can be assured that this drift was caused by a windage effect. Wind has more effect than most shooters realize on the flight of a large, relatively slow moving projectile such as a slug. Learning how to compensate for differing wind velocities and angles, especially at extended distances, is a lesson that must be learned if you wish to be consistently successful hunter and shooter.

Although Tar-Hunt rifled slug guns perform similarly to rifles, they are not rifles and cannot be zeroed as if they were. Even the fastest slug is significantly slower than the typical rifle bullet. It is therefore extremely important to apply back-pressure to the forend of the stock with your left hand while you are shooting. Not doing so will result in the barrel of your slug gun jumping into the air off of the front rest, moving your point of aim and ruining your shot before the slug even has a chance to exit the barrel.

Let's say you have zeroed your gun in this manner at 100 yards, adjusting into your scope setting this muzzle jump as well as windage error. While in the field you shoot at a deer at 100 yards while holding onto the forend of your gun's stock. Your shot hits low or, most likely, misses completely. Most would tend to blame the gun or the ammunition, when in reality methodology is the real culprit. Think about it! Learn to properly set up your equipment and you can be confident in your shot when the time comes.spacer.gifspacer.gifspacer.gifspacer.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Forget tech talk and coulda shoulda been and get your behind to the range and get your gun sighted in properly. You owe it to the game you hunt as well as yourself.

If you don't know how, find someone who does and ask for their help.

Then practice until you know without a doubt where you will hit a target at different ranges.


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