Rifle Stand

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Hello All!!

What does everyone think about this.....

I have a gun stand that overlooks a large area in the shape of a backwards T. I can see about 300 yards in each direction...It contains 2 food plots approximately 3 acres worth...The area that surrounds this backwards T field area are ridiculously thick cover(briar patches,the trees are covered in grape vines, blow overs) that we call our sanctuary. It wraps around a hillside and is approximately 15 acres of cover....

Do you think that if I let the entire field area (backwards T) grow up to create more cover and keep my 2 sections of food plots where they are that it would create more buck movement coming out of the sanctuary?

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That's a good question. I would say it's hard for us to say one way or the other. I would think the thick stuff would hold deer and the plots would flood close to dark but apparently your looking for more movement. I would try it for a year and see what happens, might pay off! Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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the are you want to grow up you might plant it in a nice warm season annual that contains milo and sorghum (WGF Sorghum). Plant some cowpeas with the sorghum--the cowpeas will provide a lot of forage and the sorghum will grow tall and work like what you are wanting. Kind of like an uncut corn field. The deer will feel very secure. Sanctuaries are probably the most important thing you can provide for a deer (as long there is also food and water). Deer must feel safe in their home or they will find a place where they do feel safe.


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