Deer Management

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

When it comes to deer management, are there any serious guidelines concerning doe removal? Also, is there such a thing as killing too many doe? I've heard to shoot mature doe that are traveling alone or with just 1 fawn as they are not producing deer for the herd.... Thanks everyone

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does can certainly be overharvested. You also need to be careful when shooting a lone doe--there is a very good chance you will be shooting a button buck. Button bucks often travel alone--it is not too common for a doe to be traveling alone. I also don't buy into the "shoot a doe with only one fawn". There are lots of reason for does to only have one fawn--a young doe or even it was a bad year for food production. I'm a strong believer in keeping deer population in check. The best way to determine doe population is thru the use of scouting cameras.

It would be hard to tell you how many does to take on your property. A lot depends on the carrying capacity of the land.

good luck with your management.


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I agree with the above comments. Does can definitely be overharvested. Unless you are just in an area where deer are just galore, you cant follow those guidelines. In my area, a lot of people believe our buck to doe population is out of proportion, but through my camera studies i think i have proved that wrong. In fact, i think our bucks my outpopulate our does, at least on my 540 acre farm. We hardly shoot a doe. My dad and i give ourselves the option to shoot one with archery tackle. My uncle will shoot one with a rifle. And then we will allot each kid one doe. We never harvest more than 3 or 4 though.

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

the past two evenings I have seen 27 deer....5 bucks and the rest are all doe....also, my food plots have been eaten down quite a bit, to dirt in some places.... Judging by these numbers, would you agree that we need more plots with fewer doe?

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the past two evenings I have seen 27 deer....5 bucks and the rest are all doe....also, my food plots have been eaten down quite a bit, to dirt in some places.... Judging by these numbers, would you agree that we need more plots with fewer doe?

Wow, I would say you need to thin some does. Too many does, and you stress the bucks.

I know on the two properties I'm fortunate to hunt, it's shoot every doe you can, and leave the little bucks. The landowners like a buck to score around 130 before shooting them.

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If there is a deer population problem, too many...shoot the breeders. If deer are scarce...shoot the little does, 70-80lbs and under. They are the does who will not come into estrus and not be bred. Those small doe will be just eating machines, taking food away from bucks and pregnant doe. Not contributing to the herd by popping out fawns.

Sure, less does means more fighting over breeding rights. Action like that is what we all crave. But the little guys sneek in and do some breeding too while the big guys are out brawlin'.

Does your DNR give out ample doe tags for your area?

Does everyone fill them? Ya can't eat horns:D

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