Had my chance...


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Well after school i hurried over to my dads backyard to hunt for an hour and a half or so... to my disappointment i look in the backyard are there are 2 ten points and 3 does already in there!!!!!! I've been waiting for this to happen for how many months and im looking at them through the window. Anyways... so i decide to try and just spook them out of there and hope that they come back. Well i scared em off and they only ran about 100 yards, i could still see them since theres so much snow. 20 minutes later i see 3 fawns walking back my way... and following them i see the bigger of the 2 10 pters come jogging towards me. Unfortunately the 3 fawns had me pegged and i couldnt move while the buck was jogging towards me, so i decided to wait till he passed me and he stopped behind me. After he and the 3 fawns finally get behind me, i look in front of me and here come 5 more does!!!! I couldnt move for 20 minutes and i counted 18 deer around me at one point... 1 buck and he was a dandy. Finally one of the does snorted and they all ran off but the buck was confused and really had no clue what was going on and i almost got a shot... but he skirted me just enough. Im hoping they come back tomorrow, except this time i have no school.... so i'll be waiting. Wish me luck guys, im running out of time!

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