Buck Down!


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Maryland rifle season opened today! I took a 6 pt at 8AM!! Well, it's got 4 on one side and a snarly mess on the other with two noticable points so I'm calling it a 6! It's my first buck since 2001 so I was really excited! I was watching uphill from my stand at 3 deer running and thought maybe a buck was chasing them. I had my gun on my seat and was working the HS Specialties Trutalker grunt call. All of a sudden this deer comes charging up the hill right towards my stand and here I am facing the wrong way and he is around 20 yds from my stand. I peeked over my shoulder and saw the deer, then turned real slow and saw it was a buck! I bent down slow and got my gun ans swung around but he was watching me by then. I fired and missed!! Probably hurried the shot? He ran around 30 yds and slowed and I took him with the second shot. I think that grunt call really got him going. My buddy saw three fresh scrapes not far from my stand and when I shot, he said 11 does took off over the hill. Maybe he was in the mood for a fight? I don't know but it was a good feeling scoring on a buck again!

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