Update on Iowa Giant from September


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Not sure if you guys and gals remember a post a while back about a giant Iowa buck in the photo section. Here are those pictures:





Those are just a few. Anyways we had this deer scouted out, seen him last year, found his right side, had stands hung and everything we could to get a shot at him. Well while hunting this weekend we got a call that the farmers had found him and another great 140's 10 pointer dead along the creek. They actually found them in early October but had them sitting at the farm in the open, one guy even took this big boy home to Nebraska, thankfully he was kind enough to return him. So it ends up that this deer has a little velvet on the back of his rack and the ten point is in half velvet, so they died in early September probably. My brother and I went to where they pointed us the deer died. They were right along the creek not 60 yards apart. The whole skeletons were there and there is no sign of poaching. While looking around further I found the nice eight point pictured in full velvet again not 50 yards from these to only on the other side of the creek. We are thinking it has to be a case of EHD/Blue Tongue. We did not have any time to look further along our creek but will do so next week sometime. We scored him at 188 and had he not broke his brow tine he probably would have went 190. Really is bittersweet....




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Guest outdoor_adventurer

So i have heard of the EHD/Blue tounge but i don't exactly know what that is. Would someone explain please? those were some great bucks and i too hope you get a chance of some of his offspring!

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Wow, i'm really sorry to hear about your misfortune. Did you happen to contact a biologist about this situation? I think your right about the whole EHD thing, I hope not though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, i'm really sorry to hear about your misfortune. Did you happen to contact a biologist about this situation? I think your right about the whole EHD thing, I hope not though.

Yeah we called people but they would not test them. We told the DNR and he would not test them. So we asked him for a salvage tag and he would not give us one, but said that we could put another one of our tags from this hunting season on it to make it legal, so we did. What a lazy piece of crap.

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