B.B.D!!! SaskBrute and Superguid_jr Strike Again


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It was a typical late november day in saskatchewan. - 30'c with snow up to ours knees and the rut in full swing. superguide_jr took me out to his favorite hot spot during the rut that he likes to call "The Swamp". We were constanly seeing bucks chasing does but none big enough to tag. By around 5:30 our faces were frozen solid and i didnt even know if my toes would ever un thaw until superguide_jr tapped me on the shoulder and said theres "ol broken nose" i couldnt believe the words he just said till i looked through my binocluars to see the huge brute. He was comin straight towards use nose down, ears back and looking for a doe to love or a smaller buck to kick the snot out of. We eased our way a lil closer till he was at 150 yards then superguide_jr told me to "stack him up" I placed my cross hairs on him and pulled the trigger. I seen the giant kick and bolt into the bush and with high fives and fist pumps we made our way to where the buck had headed in. I was movin' along lookin' for blood till superguide_jr punched me in the arm and pointed towards my trophy which had only ran 30 yards after i blew out both lungs with my 270. Then for the first time I seen why superguide_jr called him "ol' broken nose". His nose looks like one of an old retired boxer lol. The buck scores 160 which is good for a 4x4 and has a huge bladed g2 that is 13" long. deffinatly a hunt i will never forget.


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