~difference between nickle plated brass and standard?


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Nickel plate makes for a smoother feed into the action and off the mag well follower. Brass is soft and when it gets caught it binds, extractors and ejectors grab them hard and scratch the heck out of 'em. Nickel plate is to harden the outside of the case and add some corrosion protection too. I think it also adds some toughness to the case wall and will limit the amount of resizing you will have to do come re load time.

Most nickel plate brass is of a higher end on the ammo line.

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Often nickel plated casings don't hold as much powder. They are also not the most reloader friendly casings out there. Resizing sometimes causes the plating the flake off and locks the case in your die.

They are nice because they don't corrode and they are pretty consistent because of this. But the nickel casings are not all roses.

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