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Guest eliteone74434

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Guest eliteone74434

Hello all Realtree People.

I have a Dilemma I want to buy a rifle for Deer Hunting (Mainly) but also have one to use for Varmit Hunting as well. I have a limited Budget of $250.00 here is what i've found for rifles. Please Let me know which of the 2 Calibers you would choose and why. thanks.

Oh and Any knowledge of How hard each Caliber Kicks the worst cause Normally i'll be hunting out of my deer stand and Don't want to be kicked out of the tree LOL

Thanks for all the Comments back.

New England

SB2-608 Survivor SYN 308 HB 22

New England

SB2-623 SURVIVOR SYN 223 HB 22

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I've got 4 New England guns and love them. They are great shooters, just put a good scope on them. If you're going to deer hunt with it get the 308. They make them in youth guns, so I'm guessing they don't kick too much. The only problem I've had with mine is the trigger. Not really a problem, they are just a little stiff, but the factory will lower it to 3lbs for free and ship it back too you.

I bought one in 223 earlier this year just to play with and it has so little recoil that I pulled it out from my shoulder to shoot it just to see if it really did kick. It does, but it's so little you don't notice.

Unless your under 100lbs I wouldn't worry about the 308 knocking you out of a tree.:p

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Guest eliteone74434

Sounds Awesome the 308 does. Another question About the 223 is cause i was seriously thinking the 223 and my buddy also said he'd go with the 223. the question is what is the Largest Grain bullet do they have for a 223.

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The cartridge I'd recommend as a combination deer and varmint gun, with little recoil would be the Handi in .243 Win. It's a .308 case squeezed down to hold .243 bullets. It's got the power for deer, and you can lighter bullets constructed so as not to explode varmints i you wan to keep fur intact. If you don't care about the fur, go with the 308 . That is unless the recoil is too stout, then consider the .243 again. I wouldn't call the .223 a real deer caliber, though some use it as such. Bullet construction is very important in any caliber you choose.


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Honest opinon the .223 should not even be a consideration for deer rifle. Some states it is not legal for deer. It was illegal here up until just a few years ago, still am not hearing about very many people trying to use them on deer. The .308 will not have that much recoil, and will do the job for both deer and varmints.

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Guest eliteone74434

Yeah thats what im worried about is the Knock down power i figured the 308 would have enough to knock down a deer. I know the 223 has small grained bullets 55, 62, 77 etc. but My brother in law said he thought they have a 90 grain 223 bullet as well. and in Oklahoma it doesn't matter the gun as long as its Center Fire and 55grains or larger ammo. (thats how i read the Regs.) But if they truly have a 90Grain + Bullet I may go with the 223 but I'm still kind of Wanting a 308 ... Just like to weigh my options before purchasing.

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but My brother in law said he thought they have a 90 grain 223 bullet as well.

Not saying there is not such a thing, but I have never heard of load that was 90 grains for a .223, and would have to wonder about the performance of such a critter in the way of ballistics(drop, energy, and velocity), dont think it would give any kind of effective range.

Dont think there is all that much difference in recoil between a .243 and a .308 to be honest. Think I read somewhere that a .308 generates less recoil than a .270, and there are some manufacturers who configure youth rifles in .308 if that means anything.

My oldest daughter has been shooting a .243 since she was around 6 years old, she is pretty small. Honestly the recoil on these should not bother you, if they do you can always add a nice pachmayr decelerator or limb saver pad to help absorb some of the kick.

Unless you plan to sell the hides, the .308 would be the way to go of those two in my opinion. Even still think you can get varmint loads for the .308. Might still consider the .243 too, as it is a good deer round and is flat enough shooting with lighter bullets to reach on out there for varmint hunting.

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Guest vtgrizz2006

look dude the 223 is a fine little bullit but its best kept on a range or for varmits when it comes to deer hunting. we owe it to the game we are hunting to put em down fast.ive seen alot of lost deer with a 223,the 308 cal on the other hand has a tryed and true background.and its far more versitile than the 223. you cant go wrong with an 08.but you still have to hit em in the right spot regaurdless of bullits. but realy why mess around with 22cal guns when you can go with 30cal. ggod luck

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If you are open to other possibles, might also consider the 6mm, the .257 roberts, and the .25-06. All those will put down a deer, and will also work for varmints quite well.

In the light kicking versatile rounds though, in my opinion it is going to be hard to beat a .308 or a .243. The .243 for those two purposes would probably be my first choice.

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Honest opinon the .223 should not even be a consideration for deer rifle. Some states it is not legal for deer. It was illegal here up until just a few years ago, still am not hearing about very many people trying to use them on deer. The .308 will not have that much recoil, and will do the job for both deer and varmints.

If I really had to pick between the two, it would be the .308. Another option would be the .30-06. You could find a good used gun in this caliber, and have something from varmits to bear, and everything in between! Plenty of ammo choices, including the low recoil rounds as well. But I agree, the .223 is not a very good deer caliber.

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A 30-06 for varmints,wow thats a little excessive if you ask buddy shot a nice 10 point 214 lb deer with his 30-06 with 150 gr core lokts and it did quit a job on that deer let alone a little squirrle or racoon.and recoil isn't that soft on my said before 243 or opionion would be 25-06 awesome all around riffle with little to no 122 lb wife shoots it no prob along with my 10 yr old son.nice caliber check into it,and i think for 325 you can get a stevens that comes mounted with a 3x9 scope not a bad deal.check it out can't go wrong.(don't know much about stevens though)

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Yeah thats what im worried about is the Knock down power i figured the 308 would have enough to knock down a deer. I know the 223 has small grained bullets 55, 62, 77 etc. but My brother in law said he thought they have a 90 grain 223 bullet as well. and in Oklahoma it doesn't matter the gun as long as its Center Fire and 55grains or larger ammo. (thats how i read the Regs.) But if they truly have a 90Grain + Bullet I may go with the 223 but I'm still kind of Wanting a 308 ... Just like to weigh my options before purchasing.

Hands down buy the .243. They have enough energy to kill beyond 200yds (easily). Rounds can be bought at 100grn for deer and 58grn for varmint.

Very light recoil. It will have a little more than a .223 and less than a .308. They are very flat and great shooting cals. I often shoot 20oz pop bottles out to 200yds with mine and thats with deer loads. If you study an energy chart youll see that they are still adequate to 300yds for whitetail. You better be a decent shot though.

I firmly believe youre looking for something like the .243. It is a combination of the two youre looking at.

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A 30-06 for varmints,wow thats a little excessive if you ask me

Really that depends on whether or not you plan to sell the hides. Have killed several yotes here with my .270 while out deer hunting, it works quite well.

Think from the looks of this thread this person is looking at a particular gun that is only available in those two calibers he mentions. Nef does have other options though, they have a varminter configured for .223 and .243. Copied this from a site with information on the models they sell:

The Stainless Handi-Rifle features a 22" stainless steel barrel and a matching nickel-plated receiver. The stock is identical to that of the Synthetic Handi-Rifle. This is the weather resistant version of the Handi-rifle, available in calibers .223 and .243. A scope mounting rail, hammer extension, detachable sling swivels and sling are included; iron sights are not. The barrel on the .223 sample I tested (and ended up purchasing) has what I would call a "semi-heavy" contour barrel. I find this black and silver model to be the most attractive Handi-Rifle variant. Basic specifications are similar to those of standard Handi-Rifles; MSRP $325.

For the varmint shooter there is a dedicated Handi-Rifle Bull Barrel Varmint model, available in .223 and .243 calibers. This variation comes with a Monte Carlo hardwood stock. A white line spacer sets off its recoil pad.

Still think I would lean towards a .243 if recoil concerns you, although I dont think the .308 would have all that much more and would also work.

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If your wanting that survivor model you can always get the 308 and get a 223 or 243 barrel for it later. If your just wanting something that can be a varmint/deer gun I would probably go with the 243 or 25-06. I've got both and they are great shooting guns. There is a noticeable difference between them when bench shooting. The 243 is a lot lighter, though the 25 is still light. I've never noticed recoil when hunting.

I've done the pop bottles at 300 yards with both of mine. If you can do that you can varmint hunt with them.

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Guest eliteone74434

Yeah I know all bout the 243 rifles my bro-inlaw has one and i love it. its Lil recoil and i can hit great with his from 100yards dead center of the bullseye. I just can't seem to find a .243 model that is in my price range if the survivor series has a 243 at a few more $$$ i'll get that one.. Just didn't see it on the list of that sight if you anyone knows where one is for around $250.00 Let me know.

Thanks to all who replied.

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Just my $.02...I own a .308 and my dad has a .223. I love the .308 caliber and will always have at least one in my gun cabinet. I like to shoot dad's .223 and it's a great varmint gun, but it doesn't get nearly as much action as the .308. I'm trying to talk myself out of another .308 right now, actually.

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Guest eliteone74434

Found the one I want Thanks for all the advice and Seeing the common thing people said was .243 and I love shooting my bro-inlaws .243 I'm going to buy a Braztech Rossi .243 Single Shot Rifle with a heavy barrel. Its 199.99 at walmart special order catalog. So I've found my Baby. for both Varmit and Deer :D yes!!!

Thanks to all that replied and all the great advice.


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Guest bigalt78

i dont know too much about rifles and im not going to act like i do, but me and my buddy was hunting coyotes with a 6mm here in ohio granted we cant rifle hunt here but im pretty sure that a 6mm would do the job for a deer without a problem just check into them it might be something you're interested in.

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