I want a Pro Hunter,,Just dont know??


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What caliber I want to start with:confused:.....I have always wanted a .243 or 25.06,,But iam afraid it will not be heavy enough for the occasional bear hunt.......Thought about getting one in the 30.06 or the 300mag.........I know I can always buy other barrels later on,,,Just cant make up my mind as which one I want first..........How effective is the .243win on black bear???...........243,,,25-06,,,30.06,,,300win mag.......Help please..............:D:D:D

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I have NEVER bear hunted....Sure would like to some day but I would think a 243 could do the job I would want something BIGGER!! We are talking about a bear....I believe they have thick skin and lots of fur....Lets not forget those teeth and claws too;) so I would go with a bigger gun. 30.06 or 300. Thats my .02. :):)

Oh and I love my encore so good luck with your decision. :)

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I would never use a .243 or .25-06 for bear. Not enough knock down power, JMHO! .30-06 yes! But then I am not a fan of single shot rifles. I want to have that follow up shot right away! Imagine bear hunting on the ground and he charges you? Single shot rifle, and your fumbling around for another shot! By all means get what you want! I just don't get the single shot mentality? You can still have a one finely placed bullet to get the job done! But if something goes awry, you can quickly chamber another round!

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I would never use a .243 or .25-06 for bear. Not enough knock down power, JMHO! .30-06 yes! But then I am not a fan of single shot rifles. I want to have that follow up shot right away! Imagine bear hunting on the ground and he charges you? Single shot rifle, and your fumbling around for another shot! By all means get what you want! I just don't get the single shot mentality? You can still have a one finely placed bullet to get the job done! But if something goes awry, you can quickly chamber another round!

That is really the main reason iam looking for a single shot in kind of a small caliber,,,More of a challenge........I spend more days in the field with a bow than what I do with a rifle,,,,Dont get me wrong I love to rifle hunt,,,But nothing gets close to bowhunting......So if a bear was charging me,,I would much rather have that happen to me with a single shot rifle in hand instead of my bow;)As much as I love my bows,,Thats just not the situation I would like to have it with me..........Also I will be bear hunting from a treestand.........Now keep in mind this will also be a deer gun,,,I already have 2 bolt actions 1 lever action and an auto rifle in the safe....I would like a single shot just to make it more of a challenge.......:D :D :D

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Guest abster71

pro hunter

have the same issues with gun hunting and plan to bear hunt in 08 take the bow if you loove it so much that's what I'm doing pistol back up protection other wise I just bought a pro hunter 50 cal muzzle loader if you want the challenge plenty of nock down power any size bullet you want and short range compared to rifle most shots are up close and personal anyway good luck also just checked out site for barrels anything you want google (e arthur brown) or bullbarry not sure about the spelling though good luck

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Guest turkeyhuntr

You can kill a bear with the 243 or 25-06 but bear come in different sizes. To make a quick humane kill on a large bear I would start with something in 30 cal.. A 270 would also work but I like something a little bigger. One other thing I would like to point out is bear are sometimes hunted in heavy cover and a blood trail is very helpful to track them even for a short distance a smaller cal. is just not going to get it done. just my .02

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I would most likely go with the 30-06.... I shot a Remington 700 in 30-06 for several years before I got my 270 (also a Rem 700).... I dont do much bear hunting with my long range rifles, usually the marlin 30-30 for bears around here, but if I had to pick between the calibers you listed Id go with the 30-06, good gun for anything you wanna hunt, with a plenty of knock down power, like was said before the 270 would do it but if I was buying it for bear, id get the 30-06....

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