Bad News Just Hit My House........


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We had gotten a phone call today and was told that Roadkill10 was in the hospital.

Mike works in the oil fields and for what I understand they were putting some belts on a pumping unit. The guy that Mike works with didn't turn the electric off to the unit and when Mike was putting on the belts the unit kicked on, cutting off 3 figners on his left hand.

They flew him to another hospital in Ok. City where they will try to put them back on....

If yall would PLEASE! say a pray for Mike that they can save his figners......

Me and my wife are about to go crazy while we sit here waiting....


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Re: Bad News Just Hit My House........


my gosh griz---that's horrible. give him my best and i will be praying for him.

do you know what hospital he is in?


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Todd, last I knew he was on his way to OU Trauma Center to see about getting his fingers sewn back on. I will be seeing griz in the morning, will let you know anything I find out.

Griz, ya'll need anything, and I mean anything, let me know. Keep me up to date if you can, and I will see you in the morning. Prayers are on the way buddy!

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Re: Bad News Just Hit My House........

Thanks folks!

I still haven't heard anything yet. I figure it will be some time before we do. Mean while I'm wearing a heck og a hole in my carpet walking back and forth...

Man this is killing me right now not knowing anything...

I will keep yall posted for sure on what's going on...

I'll be jumping in and out from time to time. I have to keep my phone line open just in case we get a phone call....

Thanks again everyone for the prayers....

Mike is going to need all he can get at this time.....

I'll check back in again soon.......

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