I Hope Congress


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The thing that ticks me off the most is that we have guys on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan that need that budget. How anyone in congress could sleep with that on their conscious is beyond me. It shows a pompousness in their mindset that makes me want to vomit. :mad: This hard left congress needs to be voted out. My voter registration card is burning a hole in my pocket.

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sure do wish bush would shut down about 100,000 civilian positions, and use their pay to support our troops. he has a golden opportunity here, and will do his usual nothing. i hope our next president is a conservative with testicles...
At this point I'll just settle for the later.
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Actually Congress, or at least the Senate, never really went into recess. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid arranged one of the more embarrassing procedural maneuvers Congress has seen in a while, something called "pro-forma" sessions. All through what would normally be the Thanksgiving recess, a single senator would show up each morning, bang the gavel, wait 30 seconds, end of session. All of this was to prevent President Bush from exercising his right to make recess appointments.

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