Did We Really Go to the Moon?

Guest FatFreddy

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Yes, we have been to the moon...and Elvis is dead also.

It's amazing, they've had footage of this for 40 years and this is the first time someone has noticed a flag moving?

And over the course of 40 years, if this was all just an elaborate hoax, someone with direct knowledge surely would have spilled the beans by now, they always do, because humans are innately selfish and would relish the publicity as well as the money.

I am also not completely sure what the video's are trying to prove, since I am sure the person or person's who made them have been about as close to space as I have, as well as have already completed their PhD.s and become astrophysicists as I have.

In the second video, at the 5 minute mark, there is a high tech explanation that proves that man never made it to the moon. It involves construction paper and a photograph. Prepare to be amazed and upset that all you ever knew has just fallen by the wayside.

Yes, Elvis is dead, and terrorists flew commercial jetliners into the WTC causing them to collapse, not a controlled explosion; and Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

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Guest FatFreddy

There's a lot of video evidence that the missions were faked.


There's a noticeable difference in the body movements in these two clips.


What I hypothesize is that only slow-motion was used in Apollo 11. Later, they improved thier methods of simulating lunar gravity and started using a combination of slow-motion and support wires. The slow-motion in the later missions might not have been exactly half-speed. It might have been sixty five or seventy percent of natural speed. It looked better but it was inconsistent with Apollo 11 footage. The inconsistency is apparent.

At around the 21 minute mark of this video the above footage from Apollo 11 can be seen played at double speed.


It looks just like movement in earth gravity.


If you look at the acceleration of the object that falls from the astronaut's backpack and the acceleration of the hammer and feather that fall, it's apparent that the there's a difference in the way gravity affects the objects differently.


Evidently the slow-motion speed is different.


Here are some videos.





This is interesting.





The astronauts look pretty nervous at the press conference.

Their behavior look pretty suspicious here too. It begins in the second half of the video.


Some people say the moon rocks prove we went to the moon.

There are a lot of plausible alternative scenarios for the moon rocks. All we have are documents that say they are real. If we aren't geologists in a laboratory looking at the rocks, we have no way of verifying that what we read is reflects reality.

There may be a lot of scientists who have sold out and are lying about the rocks and we only read what they say.

If there is video evidence that some of the footage was faked, it was probably all faked. Video evidence trumps what some documents or journals say as people can write lies.

Here are some possible scenarios for the rocks.




Another point here is that the moon rocks were fake. Are the moon rocks real?

No, they are not real. NASA has a well-developed ceramics laboratory with high-temperature ovens-

That's another way NASA could prove they went to the moon, 'cause they brought back these rocks. Interestingly enough, at the University of British Columbia here, David Strangway, the President of U.B.C., was the guy in charge of inspecting the moon rocks.

OK, fine, why don't you call him up and ask him what he thinks about them.

So what happened, the moon rocks were not real?

No, they were manufactured on Earth to look like moon rocks, but since nobody has any moon rocks to compare them with, it's very simple to make up a moon rock and say, hey, this came from the moon.

Well, how would you know it is a moon rock? Like, how do you know it's not a moon rock - how do you know it's a fake?

I had a Seattle geologist who examined moon rocks and he said, "There's no question, Bill, that these rocks were made in a laboratory on Earth."





9) Moon rocks are in Antarctica?

Barbara Cohen, a researcher from the University of New Mexico, was picking up rocks in Antarctica. She sent them to Houston, Texas for an analysis.

The scientists in Houston discovered that one of the Antarctic rocks closely matched the NASA moon rocks.

The scientists then concluded that one of the rocks from Antarctica was actually from the moon:


How did rocks from the moon get in Antarctica?

NASA and Ms. Cohen want us to believe that a big meteor crashed into the moon a while ago, and pieces of the moon were sent flying into space. A few of those pieces landed in Antarctica.

Take a look at how far away the moon is from the earth. If it were true that rocks were ejected from the moon with such velocity that they could escape the moon's gravity and fly out into space, what are the chances that any of them would survive the fall through the atmosphere and land on tiny Antarctica hundreds of thousands of kilometers away? Furthermore, the rock has to land in a location where humans can find it many years later.

A more sensible explanation is that the NASA moon rocks were rocks from Antarctica.

Therefore, when someone travels to Antarctica and sends rock samples to Houston, Texas for analysis, some of the rocks will closely match the Apollo moon rocks.


I've seen lots of what I'd call conclusive proof that the missions were faked but I've never seen anything I'd call conclusive proof that they really happened. If someone has something he or she considers conclusive proof that they were real, post it and we can talk about whether it's really conclusive proof.

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first, welcome to realtree. next, mark is right... elvis is dead. sorry, but conspiracy theorists are out there everywhere. we've been to the moon, we've got a space station, only one guy shot kennedy, and we can go on and on.

Bigfoot, 9/11, Milli-Vanilli, the list goes on and on.....:D

BTW, welcome to earth, I mean the forums.....;):cool::D

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Fat Freddy,

OK, I'll bite. What's your angle?

2 posts, both of them asking questions about the Apollo missions.

That's what I was about to say. Are you marketing for NASA:D

Also I agree with Slugo. People come up with some weird stuff and people who are gulible enough fall for it. We went to the moon because there is evidence. Just like there is evidence that Elvis is in deed dead. So is snoop puffy or what ever that rappers name was that was killed in Las Vegas.

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Why doesn't somebody analyze something I posted and say why it's wrong if you are so sure they really went to the moon?

You have to realize it seems rather odd for you to come on a hunting forum and post this question. Do you even hunt? Why are you asking us about this anyway???? I have deer to hunt and shoot rather than waste time wondering if we really landed on the moon.;)

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Why doesn't somebody analyze something I posted and say why it's wrong if you are so sure they really went to the moon?

I did analyze that second video link that was posted, you know the one with the high tech video analysis that was done in some geeks basement with a piece of construction paper and a photograph. Based on that, I can pretty much surmise that the rest of the video links you posted are garbage and of the same technical quality. If you are so sure that we haven't been to the moon, why don't you give us some of your expert reasoning instead of posting video links from people who are so called "experts."

I have read convincing arguments that Elvis is dead...guess what...it doesn't change the fact that h is 6 feet under in a box in Memphis. If Elvis was alive, I am sure he'd be pretty bored by now and come out of hiding.

I have also read convincing arguments that Paul McCartney is dead, but it doesn't change the fact that he is in fact alive and well and richer than all of us put together.

And last but not least, there are "convincing" arguments that a fighter jet plowed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01...but until you have seen actual FBI photos of the devastation, as I have, where there is a big hole punched through all five rings of the Pentagon, each diminishing in size as the plane disintegrated...then I guess you will believe anything.

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I have also read convincing arguments that Paul McCartney is dead, but it doesn't change the fact that he is in fact alive and well and richer than all of us put together.

You have heard that conspiracy theory to huh Marc? Heard that several years ago, and thought it was interesting even though I did not believe it.

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You have heard that conspiracy theory to huh Marc? Heard that several years ago, and thought it was interesting even though I did not believe it.
Around the same time as the real Paul reportedly died in a crash, a Canadian Paul McCartney look alike went missing and has never been heard of again.;)


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All joking aside I really do have a bigfoot type story/sighting that has haunted me since archery season 2004. We should have a thread stickied for this as many outdoors types as we have here there would be some wild storys told I'm sure.

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