Snow Doe down!!


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I went out this afternoon, about 2pm, to do a little still hunting. I had my buck tag and Andy had signed me over one of his DMPs. The wind was coming from the south so where I wanted to walk through, I'd have to go around the property and then backtrack into the woods. I wasn't expecting to see anything...deer have been really hunkering down. About 1/2 foot of snow on the ground. Well I finally get to where I want to be, find fresh tracks and try following those but they went down wind of me so I thought they'd probably wind me long before I saw them. I crossed this swamp into more of the middle of the woods, a little bit into thicker hemlocks. Found more fresh tracks but just couldn't get close to anything..didn't see anything, and the wind kept swirling around. So I decided to work my way out and back home. Well I decided to go through some heavy hemlocks about 150 yards down from the old gravel pit and working my way towards one of our stands.. I had seen deer beds in this area before. I'm walking along and I look up and about 30-35 yards I see the body of a deer standing. I raise my gun up, click the safety off, I can see the back end of the deer, and her shoulders. I have to shoot between two trees about 1-2 feet apart. I squeeze the trigger and BOOM! She stumbles then turns and runs off. I know I just made a good hit! I radio Andy and tell him I need some help dragging:rolleyes::D I go over and find blood splattered everywhere! Yes! About 30 -40 yards from where I shot her there she lays! The shot hit just in front of her shoulder and blasted right through the middle of the opposite shoulder. A beautiful, although tiring walk in God's snowy creation and I'm blessed with a beautiful doe. God has truly blessed us with a full freezer this year. This is my first deer I've ever gotten still hunting...I did it once last year, saw a few does when I was looking for a buck. I was having a nice hike anyway...this was a bonus!


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Thanks mom took the pictures,lol. She's gonna be a tasty doe. Funny thing is I thought she was kinda small at first, but then sitting next to her, realized she's not that small..must be a 1.5-2y/o deer. andy thinks she's the same one he had under his stand during archery and that the big buck was chasing around because her back was darkish.

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