Missing foot - healed


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This buck lives within city limits, which probably is a good thing. Although he gets around really good, a totally wild environment might prove too much for him.

He's a really even 4-pt, which may change next year because of the injury. (?) Apparently, the foot was injured this spring and dangled for awhile before disconnecting. It healed over perfectly, he's in good shape, and he can run like the wind. Amazing the things wild critters can recover from.


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Cool picture Jack. It's amazing what deer can go through, and live to tell the story.

I knew of a 3-legged buck down in Deep Bay, that used to cross the highway every morning twice, to get down to the beach, to lick the sea-salt off the rocks. I saw him a few times.

His front right leg was missing, right up to his elbow. He probably lost it, by getting hit by a car in the first place, but he learned a lot from it, and was really road smart.

He'd just stand there and look both ways, before crossing the highway. :D

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Guest Lauri Jo

that is an amazing picture. I haven't ever seen a 3 legged deer before, but I have seen a 3 legged dog and if they can survive, then I should think a deer could. Though I think if he lived outside the city limits, it might be a little more tough for him.

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