225yd shot with a .270! (pic to come)


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Just over a week ago I went out deer hunting. At daylight I heard my brother shoot (.30-06) and assumed he shot a doe. About two hours later I passed up a 6-point. As soon as it jumped the fence.... "Boom, Boom" from the neighbor.

I knew I wouldnt see anything so I went to check with my brother to see what he had shot. I made way to the 40 acres he was hunting. As I was comming down the fence I saw something making way across the field. The movement made me think "deer" but infact it was a young female yote. I stopped at a fence post and noticed that she was running to something in the field.

My first assumption was that my brothers doe was laying out there and he had went to get his truck. I scoped the "Deer" and quickly saw that it was another yote. This one was running toward her dead sister.

Had she made it to the downed yote I would have been a 100 yard chip shot. She didnt make it that far. She started acting spooked from circling buzzards and distant shots. I knew I didnt have but just a second to shoot. I quickly ranged her at roughly 225yds.

Im shooting a Savage 110, .270 that is pretty much new to me. Up to this point I had only shot 40 rounds through it. Regardless, I braced off the T-post and squeezed off the shot. Through the boiler room! She was still moving so another through the back door and lights out. We didnt see any more deer but it sure was a great morning. I took a pic with my camera phone. Ill see if I can get it uploaded later.

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That is cool Jeramie. I would not hesitate one bit to take a shot on a yote at that distance with my .270, have shot a few deer around that distance with it. The savage model 10's are very accurate rifles. My wife is shooting one in a .243, did a little trigger job on the rifle and put here a pachmayr pad on it, great gun.

My first assumption was that my brothers doe was laying out there and he had went to get his truck. I scoped the "Deer" and quickly saw that it was another yote. This one was running toward her dead sister.

Had she made it to the downed yote I would have been a 100 yard chip shot. She didnt make it that far. She started acting spooked from circling buzzards and distant shots. I knew I didnt have but just a second to shoot. I quickly ranged her at roughly 225yds.

Kind of confused here by this, you kill two yotes, or is her "dead sister" your brother's doe?

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That is cool Jeramie. I would not hesitate one bit to take a shot on a yote at that distance with my .270, have shot a few deer around that distance with it. The savage model 10's are very accurate rifles. My wife is shooting one in a .243, did a little trigger job on the rifle and put here a pachmayr pad on it, great gun.

Kind of confused here by this, you kill two yotes, or is her "dead sister" your brother's doe?

I assumed my brother shot a doe when I heard him shoot at daylight. In fact it was another yote. These two had come out together, he shot one and the other bolted. I just happen to come along hours later when the second yote came back looking for her sister.

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