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My wife told me about a discussion she had at work that left her kind of irritated. Seems more and more we meet people who just don't understand why we do what we do with passing up deer. She was talking with a couple co workers, a man and his girlfriend who both hunt. She had talked about seeing a little 4 pointer that was out in front of her for about 15 minutes offering numerous good shot opportunities. They gave her a bit of a hard time over her passing the deer up saying basically she is nuts. I have gotten the same type of responses in conversations here for passing up many over the years, people either dont believe it or act like you are stupid. Really I have lowered my standards and have taken a couple 2.5 year olds that if it was not for knowing that the hunters around us have the brown its down mentality I probably would have passed up. So I admit that I have knowingly let what has been going on around us effect my own goals.

So how much does the mentality of hunters surrounding the areas you hunt effect your decisions or standards if you have any? Mainly for the small to medium sized landowners hunting parcels from say 40 acres up to 160 acres or so. When you pass up the 1.5 year olds and time and time again and a day or week later you see the very same deer you passed up hanging in a tree up the road, or watch the deer you pass up walk off onto another property only to hear them shoot it, would it effect you and how you set your own goals when the area you have to hunt is somewhat limited?

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I'm with ya, just can't shoot the small ones on our land. We control 320 acres, but 7 bucks were shot within 1 mile of that land in rifle season....many of them 2.5 years and under. :(

Now, I'm hunting public land in the late season and that's a different story. I'll be happy with any 8 pointer.

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What someone else chooses to kill does not really affect what my decision is for killing a deer. I must admit when I was younger it did but hasn't for a long time now.

Bottom line is if you pass a buck up because he's young he has a chance to get older. If you don't he's as old as he'll ever get. ;)

BTW, I had this very same discussion with a younger hunter (in his late 30's :D) this past weekend. He passed up a young 8 point that was killed the following day by another hunter. He was pretty bummed out but when he realized how many deer didn't get killed that he had passed up in the past he realized more make it at least another year than don't.

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Bottom line is if you pass a buck up because he's young he has a chance to get older. If you don't he's as old as he'll ever get. ;)..............He was pretty bummed out but when he realized how many deer didn't get killed that he had passed up in the past he realized more make it at least another year than don't.

I understand that Al, and I agree with the part of passing them up when they are younger, I know there is a slight chance a few of them will make it. Think I have gone through stages I guess of sorts, but have kind of digressed maybe a little. Problem here is that more deer do NOT make it due to the increased number of people hunting the area. That in mind, holding out for a 3.5 year old in a place where they are extremely far and few between, I guess I was more asking do you try to continue to hold out knowing your chances of ever killing a 3.5 year old deer are pretty unlikely where you hunt or do you set a goal within reason as a result of knowing what is taking place in that area?

Really if I was able to go somewhere else on hunts every year, that would likely change my perspective a bit, but when the only place you hunt the way it is, is as I described, how would you really set your own goals?

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Thats a tough one to answer. In my area, we have a problem with poachers and the local Game Wardens dont really want to do anything about it. It has been said by a couple of "old timers" that you better take the first thing that comes along or you wont get an opportunity again. My belief is that if you sit out in the woods long enough you should have opportunities open up to you because the "law of time" will catch up. Just my two cents worth.

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My answer is yes and no.I don't own my own land so besides the neighboring hunters I have other hunters on the property to contend with.I passed on two bucks last weekend that were both killed by hunters on the same property as me last weekend.Nothing I can do about it,but I personally wouldn't have been happy killing one of those bucks.It was one of the guys first buck so I'm happy for him.I get grief constantly from the guys for passing deer,but when I do get a buck it's usually the biggest one in camp.I keep my goals realistic and try to shoot a few does and pass bucks till their 2 1/2 years old.If I controlled my own property I would absolutely raise the bar a little to probably 3 1/2.Just to give you an idea, this season there have been five 1 1/2 bucks killed off this 100 acres of property,so for me waiting for a 4 1/2 year old would not be realistic.

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I guess I was more asking do you try to continue to hold out knowing your chances of ever killing a 3.5 year old deer are pretty unlikely where you hunt or do you set a goal within reason as a result of knowing what is taking place in that area?

To be honest William I try to hold out for 4.5 year old deer where I hunt and they are pretty hard to come by on our place. I do occasionally make the mistake of killing a 3.5 year old buck but I'm human. It happens but I don't beat myself up anymore for making a mistake. Virtually all of the other hunters I share the woods with will kill a 3.5 year old buck if it meets our club's buck criteria. That's the rules so they can do it. About 1/4 of them will kill a 2.5 year old buck and pay the club fine because they simply can't tell the difference. I don't let it bother me at all anymore but I qualify as an old fart now. Most of our members quality as old farts too and we do rag hunters (all in fun) for killing bucks that don't meet our club's criteria but we've all known each other for a long time. :D

Do I kill a buck evey year? NO. Even though I get to spend a lot more time in the woods than most hunters I don't kill a buck every year. Last time I went without a buck kill was 2 years ago. However, because I can spend more time in the woods than most hunters I find it pretty easy to hold out for a mature buck in the 4.5 year old or older range and just kick back and enjoy each hunt for what it is. Sounds like that additional time I can spend in the woods though probably makes my odds for killing a 4+ year old buck on my place better than yours are for killing a 3+ year old buck on yours.

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It doesn't bother me ..."much"..LOL I don't understand them, and they don't understand me. I use to feel that way in my younger days. I was just happy to get something, and put meat in the freezer, but I didn't realize at the time what I was missing, by passing up younger deer and holding out for a mature animal. The whole aspect of holding out, and being patient, added so much to the hunt, aside from the fact that a young deer doesn't get the chance to grow up. But that is also important to me, because I look forward to seeing what the younger bucks potential is further down the road. It's all part of the hunt for me. I've had my hunting buddies shoot bucks, I have passed up numerous times, but it doesn't bother me in the least. If they're happy with that, then so be it. I wish they weren't sometimes though...LOL

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You got any openings in your club Al? I do ok with judging age on these southern deer here. Really I enjoy the experience and I do have a blast watching and videoing deer without ever shooting one.

Man I wish we had the ability to talk some of the neighboring hunters into working with us, but they just wont listen and we have been down that road. Limits here are 3 bucks statewide for the year, and you can kill 3 does a day. We only have our own 60 acres and the sole rights to the neighboring 35 acre farm. I have gone a few years without killing bucks too, and have killed my share of does. At some point, I started holding out for 3.5 year olds or older, back around 2000 I think. I was seeing a lot of deer then, and I killed a couple good bucks up until 2003 after which I went a year without taking a buck in 2 out of 3 years if I remember right. I have since kind of lowered my standards though since we have had more people flocking to this area, and have killed a couple 2.5 year olds, which are still decent deer for this area. Maybe someday some of the land around us will come for sale or will change hands to people who will be more willing to work with us.

I've had my hunting buddies shoot bucks, I have passed up numerous times, but it doesn't bother me in the least.

Yeah Steve, would be happy for any hunting buddies to take deer I might pass up if they were my buddies, but unfortunately I do not consider these guys hunting behind us my buddies. Still think there are likely some back there who do not belong, I have caught a couple myself.

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Sounds like what I'm experiencing here compared to what you're experiencing there is like comparing apples and oranges William. Not sure what I would do in your shoes. Probably I'd find an alternative hunting place. I know you tried before the season. Hopefully things will work out in your favor to find another spot to hunt before next year that turns out to be what you're looking for.

BTW, it took about 15 years to get our neighbors to cooperate on a program. The change in attitude came as a result of a change in the control of their club. When they put it to a vote, only one member voted against it, the guy that used to have control of their club. :rolleyes:

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I have had some issues with this on the farm i hunt, but the other way around. This year my buddy shot his first "mountable" buck, and it was a nice 9 pt prolly scoring 120 or so. My cousin, who also hunts the farm, gave him a lot of grief for it shooting it since he was 2.5 yr old. I am guilty of shooting a 2.5 year old last year as well. Another 2.5 yr old was shot during shotgun season... While i agree that hurts our chances of shooting a 3.5+, i only see two or three old bucks a year

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Me personally, i just love to hunt. It doesn't matter to me what others think about the deer i've chosen to harvest, they all make me happy. I have taken everything from a yearling doe that dressed at 75 lbs. to a 4.5 year old, 140 class 11 pointer that dressed out at 205 lbs. I tend to take the first legal Deer that presents a reasonable opportunity. In the past i have let small bucks walk and later taken a doe, but i'm just as quick to take a small buck if it is getting late in the season, and i still have a tag to fill. I am not now, nor will i ever be, a "big buck hunter". I am a deer hunter first and foremost and all of the big bucks i've taken were simply the first legal deer to come along on the day they were taken. Of the 20 deer i've taken in my life 12 were does and that trend will probably continue because, like most people, i see more does than bucks. If i ever kill a truly big buck it will be because the state i live in makes it more than possible and it was the first legal deer to come along that day! ;)

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All comes down to "why do you hunt"...either in view of that entire season, or perhaps just for that hunt itself.

A lot say, "I won't shoot a small buck for meat...can take a doe for that"...true, if you have the time to spend to get a doe in range / herd to support taking out does.

I hunt mainly for meat, with a touch of wall decor in mind.

I have let small bucks walk, waiting on does, only to have the season end without getting a doe in range.

So, no meat that year, but maybe a chance at an older buck the following year. Did I win the game? Not sure. Missed having meat in the freezer, and not sure if those bucks made it past the neighbor.

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Guest Tatonka

What we decide to kill or not kill is a personal decision and is really no one else's business. I pass up younger bucks because after more than 40 years of hunting a small buck is really no challenge. If I want meat, there are always antlerless deer that need to be taken to keep the herd in balance. I love big antlers. I am absolutely fascinated by them. And there's this......if deer didn't grow antlers, you'd not see whitetail deer hunting shows on TV, North American Whitetail Magazine, etc.....

It's unrealistic to expect deer you pass up to not be shot by someone else. It's always nice to hope for that, but in the real world there are many, many hunters who enjoy shooting any buck. I can understand a young hunter getting excited about shooting a spike or a forkhorn....that's the way it should be, but I don't understand the guys who are experienced hunters who continue to whack the little guys when they can shoot a doe for meat. You'll hear many of those same guys complaining about there not being any big bucks around. Duh.

I've heard many guys say that it's all about the meat....they don't care about the antlers. Hogwash. Any hunter who goes in the woods to kill a deer would love to shoot a wallhanger. I've had this discussion with many people. The scenario I present to them when they say they hunt for the meat instead of the horns is, "Ok, you are out hunting for meat and a big fat that will be the best eating you could possibly want is standing next to a big old buck that has just finished the rut. He's in very poor condition....lean and gaunt from chasing does for the past several weeks. He'd probably be so tough you couldn't chew the meat and he'd taste pretty raunchy, but he has the biggest rack you've ever seen in your life. Which deer would you shoot"? Show me a deer hunter who says they'll shoot the doe and I'll show you a liar.....

If you want to shoot a big buck, leave the little ones alone. If you want meat, shoot a doe. I can't begin to tell you how many heads of little forhorns and spikes I've seen tossed in the dump....makes me sick.

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I realy don't think people have any right to try and preach at another hunter about what deer they should and shouldn't kill. As far as I'm concerned, if its legal, its all good. I've shot big bucks, little bucks, nice fat does, and any other kind of deer you can think off. I'm not wrong for choosing to take any legal deer I desire.

I appreciate getting a big rack just as much as the next hunter. I also appreciate every little fork horn I got hanging on the wall of the barn back at the family farm. Like I said in an earlier post, I'll pass up little bucks early in the season because I want a nice mature buck with world record antlers, but I just might end up killing that same little buck when it comes down to the last day and my freezer is empty.

However, making fun of someones little button horned fawn is all in good fun, and usualy perfectly acceptable :D

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It definitely sucks to see my neighbors shooting little deer, but like was stated earlier, if I shoot him he never has a chance to get older. Just b/c I pass a buck doesn't mean that he will get shot by someone else. If I want meat I shoot a doe. A large doe is just as hard to kill as a big buck. The reason people kill more big does is simply b/c of the buck to doe ratio in the area. When it's 4 or 5 and maybe higher to one, it stands to logic that you will see that many more big does than you will big bucks.

I'm just not going to kill a buck with horns to say I killed a buck. I did when I was younger, but since 2001 I have been holding out for bigger deer. I have killed two bucks since then and I'm completely fine with that. They all eat the same and people don't know if they are eating a buck or a doe in my opinion.

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We are only allowed 1 deer per year here in Nova Scotia, and it has to be a buck unless you get lucky enough to be drawn for a doe tag.

As a rule, I will let the small ones walk the first week or so hoping to see a nice one. I hunt public land, but am lucky that there is only a couple of other hunters ( I know them ) that are close to me. They usually have the same thought that I have on letting the young bucks walk.

As far as I am concerned, it is no one elses business or call on what someone else wants to shoot.

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However, making fun of someones little button horned fawn is all in good fun, and usualy perfectly acceptable :D

Oh yeah.

Seriously though. I agree that I pass on alot in the early season. For me in the last few years I haven't seen the deer I have in the past. So I get less and less picky the more years I go without. I had meat this year (from last) and my first real shot opertunity was at a great buck. So I didn't have to pass on to many. (I passed on a 25 yard bow shot at a smaller buck, but he was moving and I didn't like the shot) well him and the does the buck ran out.

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