Kind of an anatomy related question...


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So I've always had this funny rib thing, as long as I can remember. Although I almost swear I didn't have it until I was fishing and tripped over a log and fell on my pole and fish:eek::rolleyes:

My lower right rib cage, it's almost like I have a dent in it but maybe more like one rib sticking out more than the others, I dunno. I think it's more like one rib sticks out a little more because if I breathe in really deep, the dent just about disappears.

No, I don't think it's scoliosis. When I had my physical for college, the dumb Nurse practitioner said I had a slight scoliosis on my left side I think. I went to the chiropractor and my mom asked him about it. He said it was slight if anything and more related to the fact that my right hip was out of alignment, which was why I was there. He also said, for those who don't know, that everyone tends to have slight scoliosis because of being right handed or left handed - muscles are stronger on that side.

I was also wondering, being that I am a twin, if it wasn't from ym sister's head was in my way:rolleyes: Whatever... Several years back I also fell off our old pony on that side.

No, I did not break a rib that I know of...I know I would have been in pain if I had.

So just wondering if anyone knows anything?

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Does it hurt?

Is it preventing you from doing something?

Does it stick out and make people wonder if you are from a different planet?

If not, I wouldn't worry about it. Consider it a party trick. Like my double jointed shoulders. Freaks people out the things I can do.:D

If it is a concern, then I would definitely seek some more opinions from doctors.

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