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Grabbed dads 25-06 from the gunroom, i havent shot this gun alot and my dad does not use it now that he has a 30-06. Its a real nice gun so im planning on sighting it in real nice.

I was just wondering what can i expect from this gun, how far of shots can i make with enough knock down power to take down a deer or what would be a safe distance( just wondering with such a small bullet). How is knock down power in general, Any other info would be great


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ya wtnhunt is right.alot of guys up here in maine all use 25-06 to hunt with and believe it or not the even hunt bear and moose with that caliber.they use 100 corelokts and do just fine out to 400 yrds.wife shot her deer this yr with that caliber and bullet at 275 yrds out of a ground blind.hardly no drop at all.the gun is also set for dead on at 100 yrds.

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IMHO, the 25-06 essentially splits the difference between the 270Win and the 243WIN. I would lean towards it being closer in performance to the 270 vs 243.

So if you familiar with the 270Win use that as your gage in deciding what the cartridge is appropriate for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a Rem. 25-06 since I graduated high school....21 years now....and it is by far the best gun in my cabinet, and still my go-to rifle........I shoot 117gr PE rounds, and have logged a 313 ranged kill on an antelope as well as a 338 yard ranged shot on a bedded muley doe.....and can't even count allof the short range filled tags......everybody is right, fast and flat is the name of this calibers game.

Up until this year, I've had the original straight 4x Weaver scope mounted on it as well.......after this season ended, I decided it was time to update the ol' girl, and picked up a smoking deal on a Sightron 3-9x42.......man, what a great scope. Can't wait for plinking some yotes now...

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