Just a little bit closer...


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So I just got up about 1/2 hour ago and look in our woods and there's a fox curled up on the hill in the snow. It's almost 100 yards up the hill. Andy said his shotgun can shoot out to a 100 yards, but there's brush in the way and his lightfield slugs are expensive...so I'm hoping it comes down the hill. I think it's the fox that keeps taking our chickens and ducks.:mad:

I whistled at it and it didn't even budge...just curled up in a ball sleeping. No, it's not cute,lol

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that fox is obviously used to being around humans. load up the shotgun, and stalk it at about a 30-45 degree angle. NOT straight at it. i'll bet you can close to within 60 yards or less, clear your shooting land, and use one of those expensive slugs. or, do you have a friend with a rifle you can use for a while....

that fox will make a great hide this time of year. good luck

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Well I thought it might still be lying there...wasn't sure how to approach so I circled around to the back edge of our woods and came at it from the top...but it was gone...don't know if it took off but it wasl ying about 2 feet from a hole and it lookedl ike the hole had been gone into...

Thought maybe I'd seen it crawl in early, wasn't sure. Shotgun is on the backporch waiting...stinker!

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IF he is endangering your critters, cant you shoot him then>?

I have no critters to protect except dogs so I can't shoot them. We can't trap or shoot foxes, only chase them with dogs.

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Get a conibear trap and put it over the hole. Fox love to curl up outside their den then if they sence danger they'll quiclkly crawl in their hole. Either that or get yourself a rabbit in distress call and squack on that a few times. He's sure to peak his head out then.

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No ML...the .22 is down for the count right now...

Fox is still up on the hill curled up...I dunno if it's just waiting for a rabbit to come by or maybe it's sick or something. If it's still there when I go out to the barn, I'll try to sneak in closer (yeah right, ha ha, but I'll give it a try)

awwww...pore wittle fox:D:D:D

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