Shall We Dance??


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My Girlfriend and I went to a friends house today, and he had some people over, about a total of 15.

Well you wouldnt believe it.

My old girlfriend who moved away was there.

You know whats gonna happen next dont ya. crazy.gif

We get to talkin, and she asks me if I will dance with her. shocked.gif

I say sure, and we dance.

I can dance, but I hate doing it.

My girlfriend comes up, and says excuse me, and pulls me away into another room.

She was very upset with me, she knew that was my old girlfriend, and she didnt want me dancing with her.

I was like fine, and I had to avoid my old girlfriend just so there wasnt a massive fight between the two of them.

I never realized women can be so jealous, and yet I would never ever do anything with my old girl. But my girl didnt like it.

And now my girlfriend is mad at me. frown.gif


Ever had it happen to you??? crazy.gif

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Re: Shall We Dance??

Ahhhhhhhhhh the first lesson of life!!!! LMBO!!!!!!!!!

Look man NEVER do anything with an old girlfriend while she is anywhere near your new girlfriend or wife!!!!!!! Now I am not talking about cheating mind you!!! If you know she is very jealous! Then again I would have to deal with that jealously!


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Re: Shall We Dance??

It's happened to all of us. That's par for the course with every woman I've ever known. Next, she'll want to go to the circus, and say you don't fold the towels right and she'll run off to New Jersey with her college professor and you'll spend the rst of your life living in an apartment with your cat, bow, and old Ford Escort making jokes about the whole situation on a msessage board. Do you want that? I didn't think so. tongue.gif

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Re: Shall We Dance??

In Private, I wouldve felt upset.

But it was in front of everybody, we werent alone.

At Dances and parties, alot of the girls want to dance with me, Im a very good dancer, break, and slow. And my girlfriend knows I like her, and only her. Dancing doesnt mean much, to me anyways, to women, i guess it means alot!

She actually wants me to dance with others, because all of the girls get to say to her, your boyfriend can dance. But I guess it struck the jealousy nerve.

By the way, I dont like my old girlfriend in any way in taht matter, its just I was trying to be nice.

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Re: Shall We Dance??

You guys have got to be kidding me!

Is there any younger people that can back me up here??

Trust me on this, break dancing is in. It may be different from when you guys were kids, but it is in.

I can dance many different ways, and break dancing is what i least like. I prefer dancing with women. not on a floor doing moves.

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Re: Shall We Dance??


Nothing at all, its just people after thirty seem to lose touch with the dancing world.

I have nothing against you old guys. grin.gif

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Wow...!!! Thirty = old? Sure... I'll conceed that... if 17 = ignoramously stupid? After all... I'm quite sure any one of us "old" guys could have given you a heads up on that brain fart (dancing w/ the ex.... IN FRONT OF THE GIRL??? confused.gif). Anyways, best of luck... tell your girl your sorry and that it won't happen again smirk.gif

Oh yeah... and just FYI... I could have told you that break dancing was "back in"... in fact... it's been heavy in European countries for the past six or seven years... and not long after made it to the east coast... apparently it took Michigan slightly longer to catch the latest trend tongue.gif

If I can be of any help, let me know... I have some NIKE street tops and Parachute pants from the last time this fad passed through... I can mail them out if necessary grin.gif

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Re: Shall We Dance??

Dustin, I would be happy that your girl friend got jealous. It shows something about how she feels about you wink.gif

Slow dancing is what I enjoy. I will not state the reasons for that either. shocked.gif

As for old mad.gif I crack the guys at work up because of me busting a move every now and then to the radio. tongue.gifgrin.gifblush.gif

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Re: Shall We Dance??

I can't believe you thought it would be a good idea to dance with an ex while your current gf was there! LMAO I do have to take great offense to your over 30 comment! I still go to the clubs and haven't "lost touch" with the dance world. And just because break dancing is coming back in style doesn't mean anyone should be doing was bad in the 80's and hasn't gotten any better! smile.gif

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Re: Shall We Dance??


LOL, i dunno about break dancing...let alone any fast dancing...I just stand there and let the girls do their bumpin and grindin on me if ya know what I mean? wink.gif

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Yeah Nick....I know all about that.... cool.gif

Thats the one good part about dancing.

Yeah Fred, youre right. We talked just a few minutes ago. She said shes not mad, she said she was Jealous! shocked.gifshocked.gif

Ive gotten in fights already over her, some of you may remember, and a whole lot more.

She's a good girl, and we trust each other.

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Re: Shall We Dance??

I'll be honest here if that's what you want.

What you did simply says you have no class in the relationship department. If you have a good woman there and want to keep her, you need to show her some respect. Remember, her boots are made for walking and moves like that will have her walking out of your life.

With those moves plus the fact that a lot of your time is spent hunting and fishing (most likely without her), you may as well kiss her goodbye right now.

I learned the hard way, hopefully you will learn the easy way. Listen to the advice in this thread. Good luck!

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