John Madden


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I mean, seriously. What's wrong with this guy? I thought color guys were supposed to give some sort of insight to the game. Especially a former head coach, tell us something we may not have known.

"You see, they can move the ball to wherever the kicker wants it. If he wants it in the middle of the field, they can run it to the middle of the field. If he wants it on the left hash mark, they can run it to the left. If he wants it on the right hash mark, they can run it to the right."

Is he officially brain dead? I'm surprised he didn't throw in a BOOM! for good measure.

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Re: John Madden

Gotta love Madden! Yeah, he sometimes should get the "Captain Obvious Award" but the guy is paid to make the game fun--and he does. After all of those years beside Pat Summerall and Al Michaels, I'd be spewing a bunch of bologna too--just to keep myself entertained! LOL

I don't think it can get worse than the jabronis on CBS...can't remember who called the Packers/Jaguars game but tjhey kept getting peoples names wrong--and the one guy sounded liike Phil Donahue. I could've done without that. LOL

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Re: John Madden

Who's that one comedian that imitates Madden?

That guy is hilarious and could actually do a game and I bet 99% of America would never miss Madden.

Personally I don't mind him. The stammering is what I have trouble with at times. Sometimes he sounds like he's got a bottle of Jim Beam up in the booth with him. grin.gif

And, agreed, he's 105% better than Miller.

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