Need Advice on hunting blackbuck antelope


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Well if you did indeed mean Blackbuck, I'll tell you a little.

If they have been hunted before where you are going you will have your hands full.

They see as well as turkeys do and are fabulous string jumpers. Getting one with archery gear is a highly underrated challenge.

Good luck.

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We've got a lot of them around here, and like Leo said, they get wild as a March hare! I've never hunted them, but I've deer hunted on ranches where they were present, and they were plenty spooky. Every time I've seen a good buck, he's always been with a herd of does, so you've got many sets of eyes, ears and noses to hide from. Good luck!

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Thanks! Ill be hunting around San Antonio so Ill have fun no matter what lol. Can you say RIVERWALK!!!!!!!!

You're going to try and "walk and stalk" a blackbuck? Hope you're in good shape.

You might get a young one to slip up but a mature herd boss has the advantage of multiple sentries as Texan pointed out.

Good luck to you! If you succeed on a mature blackbuck with a bow you will have my admiration.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest RisingSunOutdoors

We have them on our lease...they are hard to hunt.

Their eye site is better than a turkey!

I shot at 5 or so before I contected on one at 40 yards out.

Practice on shots out to 40 yards...I know most of us hate to shoot that far but you may need to on a Blackbuck.

Find a travel route and hunt it. If you can get in a blind about ground it would be best or a good ground blind.

Good luck!!!

The meat is some good eating too...better than white-tail and just below an Axis.

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I know where she is going. It is spot and stalk high fence operation. No stands, no feeders, and you can't bring a rangefinder. Cinch I think your best plan of attack is gonna be keeping the wind in your favor and trying to keep some brush between you and the animal until you are ready to shoot.

BTW guys- I have been extended the same invitation by the ranch owner and will be going down in Feb or March. Not sure which yet.

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