Dry firing


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Ok so I have this friend who really wants to get into bowhunting so I was letting him check out my bow...a 2007 Bowtech Guardian tonight. Even though I told him multiple times to be super careful not to dry fire it whats he do...lets it slip and dry fires it! My kisser and peep flew off and sailed into a black hole somewhere because I could not find them. I dont see any visible damage and plan on taking it to my pro shop...with my friend of course to pay for the replacement peep and kisser but my question is do you guys think it will be ok? I would feel sorry for him having to buy me a brand new Bowtech...

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I've seen it go both ways...they fly apart...or nothing happens at all, i accidentally dry fired my bowtech pro 38 once...nothing happened... i kept the same bow for two more years and never had a problem....But my buddy dry fired his mathews...much different result...it basically flew apart, but didnt break anything except a bushing or something...Just keep a good eye on it and take it in for a overhaul.

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If no damage showed up on the limbs and cams then the string and cables took the brunt of the energy.

Have a certified Bowtech tech check the bow out. Although the Binary system is not supposed to get out of sync the cams can achieve less than optimum initial rotation if the strings or cables get stretched.

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I would get it checked out. I work in a test lab myself and I would have to think that bow companies do dry fire bows to see what could happen. So the Guardian has probably been tested that way and you should be o.k.

I bet your buddy never touches it again without an arrow nocked in place! :D

Lol that is very true...maybe not even then ;)

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I had a friend that accidently dry fired his Bowtech Alligence and it bent the cams all up and he had to get new cams from the factory and have them installed. Im pretty sure it was fine after that. How do you like your Guardian? I bought one this year and I love it. Check out the new finish on the 08 Bowtech bows. They call it "Invelvet". It is sweet!!!:D:D It is supposed to be super tough, alot less cold when you touch it, and it has a "soft" feeling to it.

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they make them pretty good these days so my( guess) is its ok .

I can't remember which co. put a bow in a closed area and everybody got to guess how many dry fires before it came apart everybody guessed low 1200+times by a machine and it was the string that went.

be kind to your friend it was an accident,you can always replace your bow but not that friend.

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