
Guest cowboy89

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Guest cowboy89

This year i have seen alot of coyotes on my property and i was wondering if a 270 would take care of them. i have never coyotey hunt before so i have no clue what to do ?

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i've never hunted coyotes til this yr but am gettin into it pretty heavy.a 270 would definatly work,but if you want to save the hides you might want to use a smaller caliber(243,223,25-06,204rugar,22-250)any varmint gun is good.270 is quit a big caliber for yotes in my opinion.but you better ask someone else who's done more of it.

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Another option is to use Remington's Managed Recoil ammo. It shoots a 115 grain Core-Lokt in the .270. I hunt in Clare Co. MI and I shot a 'yote last winter at about 40 yards with it. I hit him right behind the shoulder and it dropped him in his tracks and only left a quarter sized hole on the opposite side. The only draw back is that the lower velocity means you can only shoot out to about 200 yards but that should cover 99% of the shots you will get in Michigan woods.

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