Hevi-shot choke question

Guest cowpoke

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Guest cowpoke

I would like to try hevi-shot this year for turkey and am curious what experience any of you have had with what choke worked best.

I shoot a Remington 870 with a 20 or 21 inch barrel.


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Re: Hevi-shot choke question

I tried hevi shot #5 3.5 inch with my Benelli Nova. I used a undertaker choke made for hevi shot .675 if I remember right. I shot at 40yrds then changed to a #5 federal 3.5 and a kicks gobblin thunder choke.655 patterns were both pretty good. 10 more shot in a 10inch circle with the federal. Then I shot a 3.5 inch winchester supreme #6 and had the best pattern 128 in a 10 inch circle, 18 more than the federal. I decided to go with the #6 winchester.

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Re: Hevi-shot choke question


I tried Heavi shot thru my jelly head tube from Primos. It didn't pattern as good as Federal #4 so i went back to them.(870 3" 12 guage)

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Primos says you wont be disappointed either! I guess you help me answer my question about the jellyhead choke! I too was going to switch over to hevi-shot this year!


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Guest DaHunter

Re: Hevi-shot choke question

No its 57 for me,lol....i plan on getting it tho!!! I havent heard anything bad about this stuff and the patterns are amazing. Anyways how many times do you really shoot your turkey gun? I mean a box of 12 would last me atleast 5 years probably more , i would only use it for spring gobblers.

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Re: Hevi-shot choke question

Hevi-Shot #5's (3") pattern GREAT in my 12 ga. 870 with an Undertaker. A friend of mine bought a Jellyhead for his 870 last year. He and I did some shooting, even tried each tube in our own guns. The Undertaker was far better in both guns. Not even close.

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Re: Hevi-shot choke question

I've tried Remington's version of hevishot out of a Tru-Glo choke tube and had good results!!

But for the "BEST" results, try Nitro Hevishot loads out of a Rhino choke tube!! One word......AWESOME!!

Here is a actual pic of one of my pattern targets. I counted an honest 316 pellets inside that 10" circle at 38 yards. The Nitro load I was using was their #H378 3" load. What can I say, that pattern speaks for itself.


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