Anyone hunting late season?


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Well shotgun ends today here in NY. Good season, although it's the 3rd or 4th year I haven't gotten a buck with shotgun.

It's late archery season starting up so was wondering if anyone is going out? I'd like to try and get out, maybe go to the college property since I only went once. If I have the time that is;)

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Was hoping to have my bow back by now so I could get out this week in the afternoons. PSE had no limbs for my bow, so they are replacing my bow with an equivalent brand new bow. No archery for me the rest of this season I guess. My new bow still has not gotten to me yet. We have 5 days this week of archery, then back to rifle.

Muzzleloader ends here today, my wife is sitting out in the rain right now. Think she moved to a box blind just before it started coming down. Thinking this week afternoons, I may try some coyote hunting with the rifle since they are open year round here.

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Was hoping to have my bow back by now so I could get out this week in the afternoons. PSE had no limbs for my bow, so they are replacing my bow with an equivalent brand new bow. .

Two words "Backup bow"


I have backups to backups to backups ........etc,,, Recurves longbows. only one compound though. Its a PSE too and I need to do like you and take it in. Love the bow though.

As for late season. Oh yeah I'm going. But I'm tagged out for my buck. I'd like to take my selfbow and arrows out an get a doe. We'll see if I get time.

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Two words "Backup bow"


LOL, I have tried shooting my wifes little micro adrenaline, and it was a thought, but I cannot shoot that thing to save my life. Too short of a draw for me. I do have an old browning bow that is really old, have not shot it in years though, dont even have any decent arrows for it anymore.

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I usually do alot....we always have lots of food left in our food plots so the deer really hit them...Especially if we have snow or ice.

And currently we have a lot of I am sure the deer are all over our food plots...

But with the birth of our second child I don't see much hunting in my future for the rest of this season :(:):):):)

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We have until Feb 3rd to bowhunt. We also have another couple of shotgun days next weekend along with muzzleloader season at the end of the month. I am still able to get 2 more deer if I want and am able to. (Used a antlerless early archery tag along with a regular on 2 does so far). Still waiting for the right buck to come along.

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might go for the two day gun this weekend for a 130+ only then back to my love...theres just something about a warm jan. afternoon in a tree and tracking a blood trail in the snow ....priceless

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Our late season comes in the day after christmas. Me and a couple guys will be out. Gotta get some more footage. I'll be sitting 30 feet off the ground with the ol' video camera. Good Luck to everyone.

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I am going back to maryland at the end of the month for one more shot at a buck!

There are some nice bucks in MD. I think since MD is som populated it gets overlooked for nice deer. I used to hunt near Frederick and in a bow only area down near Baltimore. Great areas. Killed my first few deer in MD actually.

What part do you hunt.

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