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Shotgun season started here a little over a week ago and the weather really screwed things up, ice storms, snow and bad road conditions made it tough on the first season hunters.By second season the deer were all holed up and hard to find.Luckily I dont hunt either season ands will start muzzleloading in a week.Hopfully things will straghten out a little by then.

In the two week break I started doing a little scouting work and found a herd of deer in a property nobody can hunt, the guy wont let anyone even close to the place and it makes a nice sanctuary for them during the gun season.

Sitting back a half mile and glassing the property Ive become rather excited about the number of deer in it, yesterday alone I seen 7 bucks in one bunch, 2 of which would go over 125 and one just under.The one Im most interested in seems to have a slightly non typical rack, Im not sure whats different about it but from a distance you can tell somethings just not quite right with it.

The things is I have permission for every piece of property that borders this one and I know theyre coming out and going in somewhere in the center of the section onto these adjoining properties.Going to take the shotgun and go walk the fencelines, do a little pheasant hunting and look for trails in the snow to hunt next week.Hopefully I can figure out where theyre crossing and plan accordingly.

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Good Luck, I'm tagged out my I get to take my girlfriend and a couple buddies out and get them set up on some biggens. Were also video taping all our hunts so we outta have a good time. Hope you shoot a nice one.

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Hey Chris... you're right! 1st season was rough, especially Saturday, and I talked to my Aunt whom has said that 2nd Season has been even worse! They said they will be out of power for 4 days, with over an inch of ICE! I'm glad we finished up down there when we did!

Get your TOPO out. Chances are you know the crop rotations on the rest of your properties... any corn that has stubble up (and isn't ICE covered) where be where they are. It doesn't sound like "warm" is coming down there any time soon, so if you can think of an "easy" food source, that is where they will be.

I know first season, during the first Ice storm, those deer were heavy in the corn fields... the other thing is, they are sitting VERY tight.

Hope you have a bunch of luck!

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Theres {roughly} a 15 acre slough hole in the property I can get access to.Now the ice has pretty well flattened all the grass and cover in the property they were staying in.Theres not much bedding cover and its pretty cold.

But the property they were in has 2 food plots and a bunch of round alfalfa bales scattered around it.There enough food there to last a lot of deer all winter.

The deer have dissapeared from sight, theyre not bedding where they were.From previous experience they have either left the area entirely{possible} or theyve relocated back into the slough where theres a lotta cover and some prtection from the wind {more likely} and theyve reversed thier pattern going from there to the property with the food plots at night to feed.

From memory if theyre doing that the only way around the ravine I mentioned is a spot where the slough and an old railroad track right of way come together and form a funnel about 100 yrds wide.Hopefully I can get in there to that spot this weekend and look around for a trail.

Billygoat, if you guys have shotgun tags left hang onto them, your getting an extra 3 days to hunt during the late season in case you hadnt heard, 21 through the 23, but itll be doe only for the shotgun hunters with unfilled tags

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Billygoat, if you guys have shotgun tags left hang onto them, your getting an extra 3 days to hunt during the late season in case you hadnt heard, 21 through the 23, but itll be doe only for the shotgun hunters with unfilled tags

Fortunately, we filled up! Although, it would have been fun to be down there with some white stuff on the ground! Best of luck to you and let us know how it goes.

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Looks like Ill be starting over looking for the two bigger bucks:eek:

Ive been all over that section and it looks like the big bunch has broken up and wandered out of the section into the surrounding properties in smaller groups of 2 or 3 deer each.Branched out my search a little and theyve scattered over about a 6 sq mile area near as I can tell.How hard can it be to find 2 deer in 6 miles:D

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