Posting pictures?


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You have a program called "PAINT" on your computer.


Download your picture from your camera to your computer and save them in a folder, where you know where they are. Best place is in "My Documents", and inside the "My Pictures" folder.

Go to your picture folder on your PC where the picture/pictures are stored.

Right click on the picture, then

(left click) on Open with "Paint"

Then, up top in the toolbar:

left Click on "Image"

left Click on "stretch/skew"

When the box comes up, change your height and width from 100% to 40% or 50% and then "left click" on "OK".

Let's say you chose 50%, and the picture isn't quite small enough yet.

You need to first undo, what you just did by clicking on "EDIT" and then "UNDO"

Then you can go back to "STRETCH/SKEW" and try maybe 40% or 30%.

For 600m pics, I go 18% and 18%

Whatever you decide for %, keep it the same in the 2 boxes, so your picture won't distort


If you want to keep one picture of the original size for future developing and one of the downsized for the web, click "Save as"... then re-name your picture and choose save as .jpg and designate which folder you want to save it in so you know where it is.

When naming pictures, don't leave spaces between words or numbers.

example: mooseNov2006

It's that easy

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What size do you generally resize your pictures to post them, ive tried 640x480 or 800x600 but they all seem to make the pictures look awkward or alot thicker, just wondering what you guys all resize your pictures too

Best fit to screen seems to be 800X600, but think it is preferred on most websites to size pics to 640X480.

Some hosting sites will autmotically resize your pics some. I prefer using photobucket as I know my pics at 800X600 will be left at that and will not lose any quality in the upload. I use ms office picture manager for resizing, paint seems to sacrifice quality a bit when resizing.

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I use the photobucket site for hosting my pictures and they recommend 640 X 480 for message boards so that's what I do. That website makes re-sizing for posting on message boards VERY easy.

yeah what he said :D:D

I do have some adobe photo software that I have and use too and it kinda depends on the picture on what I resize it to.

But for fast and easy the photobucket option is GREAT :)

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If your intent is to only ever post the picture on the internet or email it, just set the camera to take 800 x 600 pixels.

Save the resize step altogether. That's THE way to go if it's all you are going to do with those photos.

Your camera will sample the photo at that picture size at a better quality than a simple resize will do anyhow.

You can use the computer to resample photos to a different size through quite a variety of resampling algorithms. Resampling to a different size is way better than a simple resize (like Paint does). Lots of photo softwares actually do a resample. But very few of them allow you to change filter algorithms.

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