Where is "OPRAH'' leading us??

Ravin R10 man

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I'm not yet convinced that Oprah will have as much impact on the general election as many people think. I believe that most of her audience is already solidly in the Democrat camp, so while she may have a large influence on who gets the Democrat nomination, her sway when it comes time in November to vote Republican or Democrat will be much less.

BTW - The reason I think most of her audience is solidly Democrat is because only those without jobs are sitting around the house with nothing better to do than watch TV at 3:00 pm...;)

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Saw this a long time ago Martin, back before Obama was even offical as a candidate. Think I even posted on it in here back earlier this year. Oprah has been pushing Obama, and she has encouraged him. She has a lot of power, but dont think this time around it will be quite enough to change the outcome of the elections.

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I kinda enjoy seeing Obama and Hillery fight it out.

If they keep it up maybe they will convince the undecided voters that neither one is worth voting for.

It sort of reminds me of the childs poem:

There Once Were Two Cats Of Kilkenny

There once were two cats of Kilkenny,

Each thought there was one cat too many;

So they fought and they fit,

And they scratched And they bit,

Till excepting their nails

And the tips of their tails

Instead of two cats

There weren't any.

All one has to do is change the word cats to Democats, and maybe Mike Huckabee will come in and lick the bowl clean on election day.


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Guest AllArmyoutdoorsSD
Seems Obama is her Muslim of choice these days..with brain dead followers behind her, its a matter of time before we become history...infiltrate the enemy to power..now how smart is THAT???:eek:

Oprah is just the tool of choice right now, (remember Cindy Sheehan)? when she is nolonger of use you will not hear anything from her for a while, (exept how much weight she gained or lost.) I don't believe Oprah carries much power politicaly, especialy after the role she played in the ??early nineties??? and the cattle markets whenshe swore off beef. I could be wrong, but where I come from, she is looked at as a farse.

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Sitting up here, with a Canadian perspective of things, I think Opra is doing more harm than good for Obama. Not that I would vote for him anyway...LOL

She's doing all the talking for him lately, while he stands behind her and smiles. He's starting to look like a real wuss, if ya ask me...LOL

I know...nobody asked me :D

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Sitting up here, with a Canadian perspective of things, I think Opra is doing more harm than good for Obama. Not that I would vote for him anyway...LOL

She's doing all the talking for him lately, while he stands behind her and smiles. He's starting to look like a real wuss, if ya ask me...LOL

I know...nobody asked me :D

That's actually a very astute observation, and something that most people probably wouldn't recognize, even if it was happening to them. Americans typically want a strong, decisive leader, and if Obama is coming across as otherwise because of Oprah's presence, well that surely can't help.

Of course there are also a lot of girly-men who vote in the Democrat primaries, so it might not be so bad after all! :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D

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