Buckthorn, how to kill it


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Ortho Brush-B-Gone is pretty good stuff. The active ingredient is called Triclopyr.

Spray it on when the new growth appears, and repeat a couple more times and it works pretty good.

Full strength roundup will work too. I get red osier dogwood in my field and both of these products or a combination of the two work pretty good.

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You can do a Dormant basal treatment,it works when the plant has gone dormant.First take a backpack or pump sprayer with a adjustable tip and set it for a medium spray pattern.Fill with your chemical of choice,i.e. cordon blue,Garlon3a or 4.Start at the base,or root collar,and spray the full diameter of the tree and up 12-14inches.should be dead by next years greenup.

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Im a hordicultrist And like to use stuff called arsnal. If you can find targon it works just as well. I hate sweet gums around the yard so i just scrape the bark around the bottom on the small ones and watch it die. The bigger ones I cut down then apply it to the stump and it rots out. I cant afford to spray the stuff So i use it straight by hand. If you want to spray I would use a powder or pellot based round up. Round up pro works well also. Just rember using these chemical you need to wear eye protection and gloves. Its real important with arsnal or targon.

Another way is cut the stump flush paint a thick coat of poisen on it then cover it with 3 or 4 inches of dirt. It helps speed the rotting process.

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