couple requests


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First is for my sister in law, who is only 27 years old and has a 5 year old little girl, so this is really tough and prayers for their family would really be appreciated too. She has a cyst on her ovary. We are afraid it is cancer, she had a cyst frozen about 7 or 8 years ago that was positive on her test. My wife is pretty torn up about this and although she and I have really not talked a great deal about it, I know it is really bothering her. With having lost her mother, who lost her battle at a rather young age to cancer back in January of 2002 it is very understandable why, and I know she is scared. So a prayer for my wife under these circumstances would also be very appreciated.

Second is for my own sister. The oldest of my two younger sisters had a gastric bypass surgery about a year ago, and she lost a lot of weight, which is good, but she is having all sorts of problems and she has been going through a lot of testing recently to find out what is going on. Seems that they are looking at the possibility that she may have leukemia.

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