Mitchell report

craig mack

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Well espn already said Roger Clemens name is on the list. They said it list several prominate Yankees. There are alot of nervous baseball players out there. Kinda curious if one of my former classmates name will be on that list. He told my buddy that when he won the world series with boston a few years back that he was juiced. He told him that everyone was doing it. Who do think is gonna be on the list from your team? I'd say Pudge for sure.

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Not sure...rumors are circulating that there are over 80 MLB players with several all stars on it.

One source has reported that the Yankees "will have a bad day"...whereas the Mets don't have a single player from their 40man roster on it.

Will be interesting to see the aftermath.

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Funny how the Mets don't have a guy on it, yet the main source used in this whole report is one of the Mets personal trainers. That right there makes me skeptical right away.

I just heard on the radio about Clemens. When this whole report does come out it is going to be a complete circus. I can't wait to see some more of these names though. I bet Barry Bonds is on the list.:rolleyes::o

As for my team, I'd be surprised if anybody from the Pirates was on the juice. Former Pirates yes, Brian Giles for one.

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Here is some of it, I'm not going to bother to post the whole thing because the real deal is coming out in 20 minutes.

Newschannel 4's Jonathan Dienst has obtained the expected list of current and former major league players linked to steroids, according to George Mitchell's investigation.

The list includes former MVP's Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols, Jason Giambi, Ken Caminitti and Albert Belle. The list contains two sets of brothers: Jose and Ozzie Canseco and Aaron and Bret Boone. Cy Young award winner Roger Clemens is also on the list.


Brady Anderson


Manny Alexander


Rick Ankiel


Jeff Bagwell


Barry Bonds


Aaron Boone


Rafael Bettancourt


Bret Boone

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Ok, now I am looking at the real deal and I don't see Pujols on it.......................yet.:)

Some of the recognizable names are Clemens, Pettite, Mo Vaughn, Matt Williams, Bonds, Canseco, Paul Byrd, both Giambi's, David Justice, Benito Santiago, Sheffield, Lenny Dykstra, Brian Roberts, Miguel Tejada, Chuck Knoblauch, Denny Neagle, Ron Villone, Ryan Franklin, Paul La Doca, Kevin Brown, Eric Gagne, Fernando Vina, ( this is funny because he does the Baseball Tonight show for ESPN currently), Rick Ankiel, Troy Glaus, Jose Guillen, Gary Matthews Jr. , and John Rocker.

There are also lots of players at the bottom of the totem pole in MLB on this list, as well as guys I've never heard of (lots of them actually).

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I have a few questions/concerns....

(Im not quote him word for word just paraphrasing what I understood/heard)

I have been in a car the last couple hours so all I have listened to is this Mitchel report stuff....:eek::)

However I have not yet viewed the report.

Senator Mitchel said ALL of baseball is guilty in this...Commish, owners, players, trainers, ect....He said lets move on. He said I see no need to punish lets just prevent this crap from happening again.

Bud S. was asked what he was going to do to the players, owners, baseball officials ect and he state it would be a case by case but he could and would punish those that hurt the integrity of the game.....did they (all users) not hurt the integrity by using???:confused::confused::confused:

Now someone then asked him what about himself since Senator Mitchel said he was at fault to....and Bud S. took the Mark McGwire line....We are hear to move forward and stop this from happening again.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So who is going to punish him???:confused::confused:

Something else suprising the Senator Mitchel said was he understood/agreed why players took something because so many did that players felt like they had to to be able to be competitive with others.....

Senator Mitchel said the Players Union did not work well with him.....geeze what a suprise

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What I do not get is why some people who see this list automatically everyone is guilty. From what i have heard or understand his whole investigation is based on hearsay from a couple people. There is no actual hard evidence against some of the players.

I also thought it was funny that Rick Ankiels name was on the list because not too long ago the MLB decided there was not enough evidence to suspend him for what he has admitted to under a doctors supervision.

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Here a little tid bit from the report...

On December 14, 2005, federal law enforcement agents executed a search warrant

at the home of Kirk Radomski, a personal trainer and former employee of the New York Mets

who was suspected of selling anabolic steroids and human growth hormone to professional baseball players.

During the search, agents seized documents relating to Radomski’s distribution of performance enhancing substances, primarily to Major League Baseball players, including Radomski’s address book and receipts documenting the shipment of packages to players. Radomski then began cooperating with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California, and that cooperation continues to this day. After he began cooperating, Radomski obtained and produced many other documents, among them copies of cancelled checks, money orders, other bank records, and telephone records.

On April 26, 2007, Radomski signed a plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, in which he agreed to plead guilty to one count of distribution of anabolic steroids and one count of money laundering. In that agreement, Radomski admitted that from 1995 until December 2005 he distributed anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, and clenbuterol, as well as amphetamines, to “dozens of current and former Major League Baseball players . . . and associates,” and that his network of clients ultimately could be traced to contacts he made during his “past employment in Major League Baseball.”

Then at the end of the report there is copies of actually checks money orders from the players to Radomski.......sounds like some good evidence to me


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Here a little tid bit from the report...

Then at the end of the report there is copies of actually checks money orders from the players to Radomski.......sounds like some good evidence to me


I believe Radomski was a clubhouse boy, am I right? I heard an interview with Marcelius Wiley (pro football player) and he was saying players are constantly giving checks to the clubhouse boys for various reasons; ranging from getting food for the team or just tips for doing dutys around the clubhouse. So for the checks or money orders that is not any hard evidence for me. That money could be for anything including steriods but there is nothing proving it is for steriods but Radomaskis word.:)

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