The last weekend of deer hunting


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It's almost too difficult to say.

This weekend marks the end of our deer season here in NY. We work so hard in our preparation and planning, then in the blink of an eye it's over. When we make our last drive, I can feel myself counting the seconds, hoping the driver takes his time. I dread the thought of saying goodbye to the mountain and leaving. I know I should be glad that I was there but it's hard to say goodbye.

Do you know what I mean Vern?

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I hear ya Joe. I took off Saturday night from work so I can get up and do some muzzleloading. I have 3 tags that need to be filled and there's plenty of antlerless deer up there that need some culling.

To be honest, I've had a great year already. I did fine after the first week of bow season. I shot a doe and then a buck and I've passed on plenty more deer since then. So I've had a great year. I can't complain. I'd just like to get one with the gun.

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It's almost too difficult to say.

This weekend marks the end of our deer season in the blink of an eye it's over. it's hard to say goodbye.

That's what makes it so great. ;)

Now's the time to sit back and remember all the hunts you had this year. The ones with your kids, and the ones by yourself. Remember everything that happened while you were on stand whether it was the stupid squirrel that fell out of the tree, :D or the one that got taken from a tree by a hawk. :eek: Remember the things that you saw that make you smile and before you know it, deer season will be here again. ;)

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That's what makes it so great. ;)

Now's the time to sit back and remember all the hunts you had this year. The ones with your kids, and the ones by yourself. Remember everything that happened while you were on stand whether it was the stupid squirrel that fell out of the tree, :D or the one that got taken from a tree by a hawk. :eek: Remember the things that you saw that make you smile and before you know it, deer season will be here again. ;)

This is the best post I've seen in a long time. Kudos Randy. Reflection is what it's all about.

I really hope that you guys don't take things for granted. Carpe diem.

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This is the best post I've seen in a long time. Kudos Randy. Reflection is what it's all about.

I really hope that you guys don't take things for granted. Carpe diem.

A very special man from Arkansas opened my eyes about 10 years ago. He made me realize what hunting is really about. ;) Someday I'll share the story.
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Guest adrenaline_junky

I know exactly what you mean. I always dread the end of season. I just try to get started preparing for next season as soon as possible so I don't have to take my mind of it.:cool:

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I know how ya's sad. I was going to go out for late archery once or twice with my buck tag over to the college but a standing corn field, never made it out. I can't believe all the anticipation we have through the year for the season, then it seemsl ike in a breath it's over. Oh well....time to get ready for looking for sheds in a couple months...then gobblers.

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Yep, I have to agree, it is sad...We have a few more days of doe season that comes in after Christmas, and then of course we can bow hunt until Jan 1.

I am going to take my handgun out and do a little squirrel hunting as well as some predator hunting in between bow hunts.

Just keep looking back at all the good times from this season, the fun and memories is what it's all about.

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Well This NY season was a drag. My brother scouted alot of good bucks this year. WE DIDNT EVEN SEE A SINGLE 1 AT ALL... I dont know what happened, they were all over the corn and alphalpha. Also along the fields we have an abundance of wild berries and apples. There were plenty of areas for cover but for some reason they didnt seem to want to stick to the property. 300+ acres and saw only few yearling buck and many doe. I was so sick during archery with not seeing any of those bucks, but hoped shotgun would be different. Nope, no bucks around. I seen alot of large bucks taken in different areas but it seemed My area was dry. I will say this. Poaching has become outragious. I think the DEC needs to get off there butts and do something. This state has so few DEC officers its sickening. I want to know where my $80 is going too. I wonder if its gonna be worth hunting next year, maybe ill just stick to P.A. and Ohio. Atleast I see bucks in those states. We also need to get rid of the "BROWN ITS DOWN" rules... Some day this state will get better. Yes we have nice size deer but they would be way better if our yearlings would be able to grow up.

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I hear you all. We have two more Saturday's of muzzleloading so we still have some time. It will be sad though. Hunting is about as Realtree says, Family, Friends and the Outdoors and that's what it reall is all about. The kill is like the gravy on the potatoes. It's time to get out your albums of the pictures of the deer you may have killed or reflect on the memories of the hunt, the laughter with friends, the stories of the ones that got missed. We tell the same stories over and over don't we? Time to take a trip to Gander Mountain, Cabela's or Bass Pro (or others) and just walk down the isles and look and see what might give us the edge next year. I went to Dunham's last night and bought a turkey hunting vest. (Needed my fix!) It's a great sport and we have a great heritage and it's great to be able to share it all with everyone here on the forums too. You're part of the 'Friends' of Reltree's slogan. Thanks for being a great group of friendS!

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Here in Ohio season ends the 31st of Jan. Bow season anyway. But I always think about it on the last day. The experiences of the year. The times I have had afield. The deer I have and haven't taken. It relaxes me to get into the woods and just sit. When life is so hectic the woods calm me. Sure I can still go out with a camera, and I may yet do that. However, I have more of a drive to get out there during season. So when season ends it is a somewhat sad day. I usualy don't get to go. But I always watch the light fade away as the season closes. Then the long wait for opening day begins.

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