Crazy stuff tonight.


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I Was driving home from work and dropped my older brother off at the shop to get his truck. It had been there for a radiator leak and the truck over heating. So where almost home in traffic when he calls and said Hes itching real bad. So he gets to the house and runs to the shower. Half way through he gets out and looks at the mirror and he is covered in huge welps from head to toe. He starts hollering we need to go the hospital. I go check him out and his head looks like a red basketball. He couldnt breath and was scratching so bad on top of his jeans he blead through them. We get there and found out he had a allergic reaction to the raiditor fluid that the fumes was going through the vents. I tell you what I never been that scared and drove that crazy in my life. They gave him a ton of shots and he is fine now. Thought i would shair.

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We guess thats what happen. Or i should say the doctor. We had to tell them what he had done all day etc. When I said he broke out after he got his truck back from the shop he relized it was the fumes. I got in it a few mintes ago and it smells like some one poured raditor fluid on the seats and carpet. when i cut his vents on it got worse.

My brothers weird though. Any kinda of sting makes him swell awfull. Like last year his hand swelled so bad from one yellow jacket sting he couldnt make a fist. Hes also allergic to all dergernts other then downy or something. If he comes to my place and borrows a shirt he itches bad all night cuss i use tide. Back to the post about it couldve been worse. they sai if he gets stung in the neck face or chest.. He has to call 911 or is air way might swell shut. kinda creepy. None of that happens fast to night those welps came up not latr then 10 min.

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Man, I know how scary that is. :(I was out on a ship when it happened to me. The ship had to turn around and head for port. I ended up turning the ship around twice, because it was the antibiotics I was on (Menocin {sp} or Tetracycline) , for 2 weeks before I even had to go to sea. I had no idea, and thought it was a bad oyster or something, because we had a big seafood dinner, just before I was effected, so when I got back on the ship, I took one of my pills, and went to bed. The second time was worse than the first, and I was swollen up so bad, you couldn't see my watch, or my wedding band. :rolleyes:

I hope that it was the rad fluid fumes, and not something else that might get him unawares later.:(

He's lucky you were there and got him help quickly.

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Wow. That's a crazy reaction. Glad you guys made it to the hospital ok.

I've had reaction to specific types of MSG. So that is a fun guessing game when eating treats or other ethnic foods. I try to stay away from it, cause hives and welts are not fun at all. Last time I had to get a couple needles in the hip to get me going again. Not fun at all....

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I'm allergic to WD-40, tell me that don't suck living on a farm :(

My throat swells up on me though, not a full body rash

Are you allergic for fish oil? WD-40 is made up from fish oil. As far as bee stings, its called anaphylactic shock. Its a severe reactions to bee type stings. Or any kind of a sting or bite where toxins enter the body.

When I was an EMT I had a girl about 8 years old who got stung by a bee. She told me if her meds where not taken in five minutes she could die! She had a bee sting kit, but I was not allowed to give her the meds, because they were given by injection. Needless to say we rushed her to the hospital high emergency! If your allergic to this type of stings it would be a good idea to ask your doctor about a kit for just such an emergency!

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I don't think I've ever been around fish oil, what is it?

I like to go fishing but can't gut, eat or even be around cooking fish, I'll puke my guts out..........

anyway I think it's either, cause I'm also allergic to starting fluid and some carb ceaners. I am also allergic to bees, but not that severe. As long as I don't get stung around my throat I'm ok with taking a couple benadryl.

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people can be allergic to many different things!

my mother is a cafateria manager at a local school. She's had alot of the normal peanut / egg allergies, but she's had some strange ones too.

She had a kid allergic to the food dye 'blue lake 40' which was red? It's in hotdog's, cake mix, dang stuff is everywhere!

One poor kid that was allergic to chocolate :(

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