need help please

Guest bigalt78

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Guest bigalt78

I need help with this. I never have luck in the second half of the season. I got almost 2 months left here in ohio to hunt and i'm not having the greatest year, i've only shot 2 doe and i havnt shot a buck yet. usually i'm done deer hunting by now because i usually have hit my limit of 7 deer but i dont really know what to hunt in the late season. I know everyone says food sources but i dont have too many places with food sources. behind my house i know we have a lot of acorns and i mean a lot, and i have one spot that is a pumpkin farm and a lot of people dont know this but the deer eat the inside of the pumpkin but im pretty sure that all the pumpkins are gone but at the same farm the guy has something else planted but im not really sure what it is but the deer are always in there. what do you guys think my best bet is. I also have permission to hunt where there's a pretty good size corn field but there isnt too much woods and i've only dove hunted it and im not sure how the deer are there. if you guys could help me figure out a good plan to hunt the late season i would appreciate it. thanks

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Im not real familar with Ohio, but here in Illinois were hunting the travel corridors to and from the bedding. The deer here are fairly skitish and most of the mature bucks are for the most part are waiting untill either really low light or after dark to move. But some of my friends and myself have seen some mature bucks on there feet with decent shooting light left. IMO. I would give that picked corn field a try. Even tho there might not be alot of timber I would find a tree and see what happens. I have a stand in a simliar spot. Its more of a fence row thats about 15yds wide. I have had alot of deer walk the edge right by me. It's worth a shot IMO. Never know what will walk by you. And if there's a decent amount of snow on the ground they will be really concentrateing on food. Good luck!

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Our property is a farm but it's in a section of property about 3500acres and we have about 280ish we have soy beans this year and they are all cut so we get alot less deer traffic than other property, i have been hunting one of the two 80-100 acre stand of woods and letting the other one go for a few days then switching (assuming wind is sutible) it has been working good with pressure in other areas they deer have been moving into the less pressured area. Also the buck i killed this year came off a small section of woods maby 40acres with corn all around and he scored out at 128 2/8th's never over look small wood plots, smart deer will go to less pressured areas.

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Guest bigalt78

i do have the spot with the good sized corn field but most of ohio the food sources are in the woods acorns and such. but that's just a lot of the suburban area's. Most people around my area of ohio hunt little 5 and 10 acre lots in the middle of sub divisions which really do hold GOOD bucks. Just the other day i was down the taxidermist place because im good friends with his son and a guy brought in a double droptine buck that scored 198 from around me, but then again there's some area's in ohio that have a lot of agriculture and out in central and eastern ohio there's a lot of big woods area (the state parks).

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Im not familiar with Ohio but I hunt the late season here in NW Iowa and the weather can play a huge role in things.The deer will bunch up in bigger herds this time of year when it starts getting colder and it can be either very good or very frustrating.

Its good when you can locate these herds, but if you cant it seems like theyve completely dissapeared at times.Youre either seeing tons of deer or youre seeing nothing at all.

If you have snow its a good time to goto areas such as the cornfield you mentioned or back where the acorns dropped and look for trails that are being heavily used, not just a few random tracks but good trails, deer are actually pretty lazy and will use these same trails night after night.

Ive also found the food source itself may not be the best spot to set up, if theres a lotta hunting pressure theyll bed in out of the way spots, sometimes these are a long ways from where theyre eating and its well after dark before they get into the food source.I looked at a foodplot Sunday night and followed the trail backwards and the deer are actually bedding over 1 mile away from the food plot in a very nasty cat tail slough.Ideally Id set up outside the slough but I cant hunt that property so Id have to settle for inbetween somewhere.

Generally everything changes this time of year, stuff you hunted earliers not gonna pay off now and you need to get out and figure out where theyre currently running.

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i'm not having the greatest year, i've only shot 2 doe

Count yourself lucky. I usually shoot 1 maybe two a year.

Do you eat 7 deer in one year? Thats alot of meat.

I've shot one deer this year.

Also you say you limit out usualy but your saying you only hunt in the few areas you described. correct me if I'm wrong but DNR has Ohio broken down into zones. Each zone has a limit. 2-3 total. So unless you travel around the state how do you get 7 deer?

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Guest bigalt78

yeah man i eat everyone of them and this year im hunting indiana muzzleloader so ill have an extra one. I eat deer meat almost everyday. It's extremly healthy i love it even if i couldnt eat all seven my family could. Im still allowed seven in my zone im reading the book right now i figured i'd check since you said something but yeah they still have urban deer units in the urban area's. One of them area's is mine. So i could buy up to 3 either sex and four antlerless or i could buy 1 either sex and then the rest could be antlerless. because im allowed 3 due to the zone im in and im allowed 4 more due to being in a urban area.

Count yourself lucky. I usually shoot 1 maybe two a year.

Do you eat 7 deer in one year? Thats alot of meat.

I've shot one deer this year.

Also you say you limit out usualy but your saying you only hunt in the few areas you described. correct me if I'm wrong but DNR has Ohio broken down into zones. Each zone has a limit. 2-3 total. So unless you travel around the state how do you get 7 deer?

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Good deal. I'll have to check out the regs again. Maybe I can take more than I thought.

I think in my area I am only alowed 2. I killed a nice buck this year though. I wouldn't mind a doe too. But we'll see. I am the only one in my house that eats it so one goes a long way for me. I agree its very healthy if you compair it to beef for sure.

Good luck with figuring them out.

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