furthest shot

Guest bigalt78

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Guest bigalt78

what's your guy's furthest shot with a bow. i'm comfortable up to about 55 yards. I keep a really good group at that range and my bow is very capable of passing through a deer at this range. I have double lunged a doe at 60 yards and it ran 40 yards and died. I wouldnt of took the shot if i wasnt sure of my self. What are some of the furthest shot's any of you have taken i was just curious lol.

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At a target I'll shoot out to 80 yards and feel decent about it. Not something I would do on a deer I limit myself to 35 yards when hunting. Not willing to push it any further than that could I? Yes I feel I could but ranges like that just way to much can happen and that one little twig you can't see could mean gut shot at 60 yards.

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i have been bow hunting for 9 years now, i have taken 8 bucks with my bow and i can comfortably shoot up to 45 yards with my mathews, that said my fartherest shot has been 22 yards!! i can't help it that they get so close to me, my better achievement is taken a buck at 5 yards away on the ground!! talk about exciting

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I keep my shots to under 40 yards. I only take 40 yard shots in perfect situations, which are rare here in Pa.

My longest shot was taken on a doe in Montana that I had actually shot a 22 yrds. she ran out to 57 yards and stood there. I felt that the first shot was good, but had another opportunity and took it. I double lunged her again.

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This topic comes up periodically and I'm always astounded at some of the long shots that guys say they make.

For the record, I'm no slouch with my bows. I shoot a lot of competition out to 65m (~72 yd) and do well.

However, the longest shot I've taken at a deer is 32 yards. Many, many times I've passed good shot opportunities at ranges not much more than that.

Why? Because no matter how good you are, you can't control the deer. Even if the arrow leaves your bow at 300fps (it starts to slow down immediately after being launched), it takes nearly 1/2 a second to reach a target 40 yards away. Longer distances, of course, take progressively longer for the shot to travel each increment. And although a deer or any other animal may be relaxed and unaware you're even there, your good shot can become a nightmare just by the deer's random movements.

Just my $0.02, either US or Cdn funds.:)

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This topic comes up periodically and I'm always astounded at some of the long shots that guys say they make.

For the record, I'm no slouch with my bows. I shoot a lot of competition out to 65m (~72 yd) and do well.

However, the longest shot I've taken at a deer is 32 yards. Many, many times I've passed good shot opportunities at ranges not much more than that.

Why? Because no matter how good you are, you can't control the deer. Even if the arrow leaves your bow at 300fps (it starts to slow down immediately after being launched), it takes nearly 1/2 a second to reach a target 40 yards away. Longer distances, of course, take progressively longer for the shot to travel each increment. And although a deer or any other animal may be relaxed and unaware you're even there, your good shot can become a nightmare just by the deer's random movements.

Just my $0.02, either US or Cdn funds.:)

Funny, because about 32 yrds is my longest shot too, and you've stated all my reasons for not pushing it any further than that, no matter how good, I think I am on the target range. I've lost enough deer at closer ranges and it hurts. :(

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30 -35 yards is the longest I plan to shoot. Practice to 45 yards.

Did shoot a doe 3-4 years ago that paced off at 38 steps. Wasn't sure of the range and hit her low, but she didn't go 25 yards. Kinda lucky.

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My farthest shot at a deer was 30yds but a small branch I didn't see deflected my arrow. My furthest shot that smoked a deer was this year at about 25 yards. I've shot practicing out to about 45 yards but at most would be 40 yards if I practiced at that. In the woods, farthest shot I'd take is maybe 35 yards. My bow is set at almost 50 lbs and past 45 yards the arrows really drop.

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Shot a nice 8pt this year at 35 yards, and shot a doe at 40yds both clean double lung kills. I have shot 2 other deer at under 20 yds this year also. I have a 50 yard pin that is just as accurate as my 20. But like others have said so much can happen in the timber. I guess to me, as long as there in a clean shooting lane or the situation is perfect il shoot to 40 but the closer the better. Im really picky on the shots I take. Mainly because it seems like im the first guy on the phone tree when someone "hit one hard" but they can't find them. HATE THAT!! Don't get me wrong I love going out and helping, mainly because I learn somthing about deer everytime. BUT.... when you get to where the deer was shot and the person that shot them said I was in that tree and its 40yds from here. And you look at them and say "you shot from there to here, through all this crap." Irks me! Ok enough sorry for going on and on.

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Guest adrenaline_junky

I shot a doe last season at 62 yards. You have to realize though that I shoot about a 100 arrows a day 4 to 5 days a week, from all distances. I don't take a shot unless I'm completely sure of it.

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my longest at a deer is 38 yards. i made a perfect quartering away shot and a doe and she only went 30 yards. i got complete pass through also.

i practice out to 60 yards with my hunting setup. but my max is 45 yards for myself while hunting. im positive i could make shots a lot longer than 45 yards, but i just dont do it. to me its no big deal if the deer walks and i cant shoot. its just a day the deer won and i didnt.

its up to each person to determine what ther max distance is.

Shoot Strong


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Guest bigalt78

yeah i agree with you guys like i said the only real far shot i've ever had was that one at 60 and i smoked it. will i do it again no. but i will shoot a 50 yard shot all day as long as it's a wide open shot with nothing in the way. but i rarely shoot over 20 or 25 because it's pretty thick in most places where i hunt. last year i put my corn pile pretty much right underneith my tree and i was up about 25 feet and shot some straight down. opening day last year shot one in the spine and dropped it in its tracks. but yeah i've been hunting for about 8 or 9 years and i've shot about 30 deer and all but that one was about 20 yards or 25.

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This topic comes up periodically and I'm always astounded at some of the long shots that guys say they make.

For the record, I'm no slouch with my bows. I shoot a lot of competition out to 65m (~72 yd) and do well.

However, the longest shot I've taken at a deer is 32 yards. Many, many times I've passed good shot opportunities at ranges not much more than that.

Why? Because no matter how good you are, you can't control the deer. Even if the arrow leaves your bow at 300fps (it starts to slow down immediately after being launched), it takes nearly 1/2 a second to reach a target 40 yards away. Longer distances, of course, take progressively longer for the shot to travel each increment. And although a deer or any other animal may be relaxed and unaware you're even there, your good shot can become a nightmare just by the deer's random movements.

Just my $0.02, either US or Cdn funds.:)

I agree with you Canuck. I practie at alot of different ranges, but would never take a shot over 40 yrds. I have seen on TV and personally a deer drop over a foot when only being 20 yrds away. You just can't tell what that deer is going to do when he gets out there to far. My furthest shot was right at 35 yrds.

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I shoot at targets up to 60 yds away and feel fairly confident doing so. However, i wouldn't shoot at a deer more than 30 yards away.

This past season in early October, I had a buck standing broadside feeding on some corn for about 20 minutes. I finally built up enough courage to let one rip and shot it in the heart. I shoot a Bear Element set at 70 lbs with a Spitfire expandable. I only got about 6 inches of penetration. The buck ran about 30 yds, but it was a scary shot that probably won't be taken ever again.

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