Pics from local indoor.......


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Gander Mountain Indoor Archery Range.

From left to right is Cody, Kyle, and Gary


Me......Lord I've gained some weight. Ben and Justin.


Cody shooting the fat old arrows XX78 2512's with 125 grn pts and 4 inch duravanes....with his hunting setup


Kyle shooting a single pin slider with short stabilizer but making is shoot great.


Kyle and Gary.........Gary can smoke the X's......Many years of shooting spots.




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Mark my words.......If Justin keeps shooting and doesn't loose interest he will make it big in the archery industry. He's been shooting for years already and is far ahead of what most of us are. Gary and him travel around to alot of shoots as well as shoots 3 states away. It's funny to watch him shooting his Hoyt with a scope/ long pole and a backtension and outshoot 95 % of the adults. I have shot with him on a few occasions and he inched it out at the end. His form is consistant and he is really a great shooter and even better a great kid. Never heard him talk back once.

BTW- Monday night.........Gary took first with a 300 47X which he was let down about and Justin 297 44X was a close second.

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