Christmas Day Squirrel Hunt


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Okay, yes I did go squirrel hunting on Christmas morning. I have caught some grief from a few people, but I will exlain. My wife has to work today, so I decided to get up and enjoy the beautiful 24 degree Christmas morning in my own way. I went out squirrel hunting and sat on a log for a while and thought about Christmas and the 'reason for the season'. It was so peaceful and all the hustle and bustle was so far away.

Well I had a great time and managed to get this one squirrel with my pistol. This adds a great degree of challenge to squirrel hunting and I will admit that I missed several. The challenge is getting a close enough shot that I felt confident, making sure it was a safe shot, as I'm shooting a .22, and then not damaging much meat.

Well this little squirrel was sitting on the base of a log and I made a good shot, right in the neck. I am tickled and he's soaking in salt water as I type this.

Hope everyone out there is having a Merry Christmas.



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