Ever just stopped hunting????


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I've never stopped there has been one time in my life and that was last year when Grandpa found out he had cancer. Really didn't feel like doing anything I hunted about 20 times last year. This year I'm all out and have hunted 3 to 4 times a week. Its just phases you go through and you'll come out of his one.

I have members in the family who are 70 some odd years old and still gun hunt and one of them still bowhunt now if thats not passion I don't know what is. You never lose it just move away into new things.

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theres been times when i dont want to hunt cuz i just get bored and not seeing anything for a couple days, so i go home and watch monster bucks and then i get up say, man i wanna kill a deer that big, get my adrenaline pumping and go sit in the stand some. works every time...

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Ive just lost all desire to deer hunt. My dad is devastated. I was super excited like always this year. I went as far as buying a 70' mobile home this year for the farm so we could have a nice place to stay finally. I spent days on end during the summer getting it nice. (ill get pics soon) I hunted every weekend during bow seson. opening weekend of gun season. Now I just get bored after the first hour whether I see deer or not. It has devasted my dad cuss when I go down I just hang around the house while they hunt. Its the only time we get togeather anymore and im sure he thinks ill soon stop going down all togeather(want happen i love the farm)

has this happened to any one else? I've just up and lost desire. I probly havnt missed a weekend my whole life(no lie) till this year. Now something I loose sleep over is ducks. Its my passion. I wish my dad did to but he doesnt. So in the mornings while he deer hunts I hit the river and sometimes stay on the water all day just playing around. But I usally duck hunt near my home not the farm so I dont make it down some weekends.

You Quack!!:D:D:D never had that happen before:(...hope it comes back to ya;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like you got burnt out on deer hunting, not hunting overall or you wouldn't be duck hunting.

I did get burnt out on duck hunting. With the problems I went though finding places to hunt when I never had those problems in my younger days I just flat lost interest in hunting ducks. The last go round was when the state bought the land we were leasing for duck hunting and closed it to hunting. In my younger days I was an avid duck hunter. Now I could take it or leave it. It's been at least 8 years since I duck hunted but I still buy my duck stamps. Lots of fond memories from those long ago duck hunting days but it's doubtful that I'll ever break out my decoys again (if I can figure out who I loaned them to).

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