Good E- Call for beginner?


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Have the Johnny Stewart preymaster caller here, and it works ok for me. Occasionally cableas and bass pro will run specials on the caller, think I gave $99 for mine when I bought it. Have called in just a couple yotes with it with a card that did not come with the caller(yellowhammer call), but have not really had quite the results with it I had hoped for.

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i have acouple cass creek's that i use that have worked for me and i have acouple johnny stewart calls that i use that work for far as prices go u cant beat the price of the cass creek's,there 20-25 bucks depending on where u get them and they work just as well as the better brand calls such as johnny stewart's

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no the cass creek's dont have remotes but u can get alittle like speaker type thing for it and its got a cable thats like 15 ft,so u put the speaker type thing out on a limb as far as the cord can go then turn it on and hit whatever sound u want and the sound comes out of the speaker type thing.or u can just use the call itself without the speaker

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