Cam problem?


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I have a Bowtech Mighty Might VFT and it seemed that the serving on my one cable wasn't lasting very long. My friend at the archery shop said he thought it was just stretching and a Winners Choice would get rid of the problem. I don't have the money for one right now so he just reserved it for now. A few days later I shoot about 30 shots and looking at the serving and it is worn badly in one spot already. I get to looking even closer and I figure out that at full draw my cable is actually touching the axle at the wear spot. There is a module that the cable wraps around and it looks like if it came out just a tiny bit farther the cable would not touch the axle.

Anyone else having this problem? Maybe hear about this somewhere? Now that I think about it I think it could just be the module is not made quite right.

I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get it looked at because the only day they aren't open is Monday. Unless we get freezing rain like they are talking about it may be a while before I can get it looked at. frown.gif

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Re: Cam problem?

I have not tried to talk to anyone about it today. I just noticed it last night and the shop isn't open on Mondays.

It seems like the cam is over rotating. A while back the post on the cam that stops against the limb came loose and slipped and I put it back where I thought it came from tightened it and forgot about it. Now I'm thinking that I didn't get the stop back in the right spot and that was letting it over rotate.

I'll find out tomorrow if the weather isn't too bad.

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