How To Pick A Core area On Your Land

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Guest realtrhunter

I would also look where they bed up. But I would also take into consideration your neighbors and how they would set up if you have the area near the property lines, also can a poacher shoot at it from a road.

Me personally would like for it to be closer to the middle of my property. I would make it a thick tangle with food plots a ways away from it, so they will move from the area. Id also stay out of it except for hunting sheds one day and maybe hunting it once or twice a year.

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I would also look where they bed up. But I would also take into consideration your neighbors and how they would set up if you have the area near the property lines, also can a poacher shoot at it from a road.

Me personally would like for it to be closer to the middle of my property. I would make it a thick tangle with food plots a ways away from it, so they will move from the area. Id also stay out of it except for hunting sheds one day and maybe hunting it once or twice a year.

Thanks i kinda have a place in the middle but dont know if they are bedding there or not havent been in it at all dont want to get in the core area. Just oneing to know what all the hunters out there that have core areas have to say.

Thanks again

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In the interest of bettering the property, I would go through the entire parcel and try to get an idea of what is roughly going on currently. See if your County Zoning or Soils offices have soil inventory maps you could reference while out there to predetermine some possible food plot sites. Also invest in a few thousand faster growing and soil suitable evergreens to plant in you timbered areas. This will create your sanctuaries for you. Get a forester involved to help with that if needed. All things cost money. You usually only get out what you put in. Elbow grease is free. Good luck. Sounds like a great project.

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