what type of gun can i use


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It all comes down to if you want to save the hide or not. Any rifle will do the trick as far as killing the animal, I've used my .22 MAG within 50-100yrds with Rem. 33gr. Accutip-V loads.

You can also use full metal jacket in 30-30, 243, and 308, they shoot a long ways and the FMJ won't do as much damage to the hide as will a hunting load as they are made to expand.

I myself use a Rem. 700 in .223.

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Guest onesonek

Going past the hide issue, which I hunt to save. For me, so much depends the where I'm hunting, what time hunting, the conditions, etc,.

I use pistols, rifles, and shotguns. #4 buck and various .22 and 6mm centerfires.


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Guest WY Hunter

I like my 22-250 but the type of bullet is the most important, in my experience I would stay away from the ballistic tips,they arent good for anything but killing prarie dogs. Get a bullet that stays together with little expansion.

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