My Boy Stung one...

Guest RisingSunOutdoors

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Guest RisingSunOutdoors

with a Magnus Stinger...

We loaded up this afternoon to a friends 15 ac. piece of property in a suburban area. She told us that there were a lot of deer and they needed someone to reduce the population. We were on it.

Around 3:45pm we arrived and unloaded our gear and headed to the Luckys Tent blind I put up yesterday. I lit Tink's Rut and All Season Smokin Sticks placing them in front of the blind. The wind was carrying the smoke away and to the left of us.

About 4:00pm we got settled in the blind and I set up the video camera and Colby and I waited. We were cutting up in the blind texting mom, trying to figure out how to silence the button tone on his new phone and listening to all the sounds of a suburban area, including a jackhammer smashing rock not to far away.

At about 4:50pm I was texting mama to let her know we haven't seen nothing. I glanced up and there stood a beautiful 8 pointer. He came in from the down wind, sniffing the air.

I all but screamed at Colby that there was buck and to get his bow.

It seems like hours went by before the buck gave Colby a good shot, but it was only about 8 minutes when the buck turned and was in perfect position to accept a carbon arrow in his chest. Colby asked me "Is that a good a shot." Asking is he was standing a a good position. "Yes he is, that is the perfect position", I told him.

Colby was nocked and ready to go, so he raised his bow, drew, aimed and released the arrow. I was so focused on watching the arrow impact that I could hear the click of the release, the sound of the arrow and the smack it gave that buck. Double lunged he was...this is the second buck he has taken with a bow the first was a nub buck 3 years ago.It is awesome to sit with a kid and see them take a great animal with a bow.

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Guest RisingSunOutdoors

Rough Edited Video...

Thanks for all the great responses.

Here is a link to a Rough Edited Video.

This buck can do the "Matrix" :)

A lot of folks what to know what equipment to get they kid so I have posted what Colby is using:

*Browning Micro Midas 3 bow (42# draw weight)

*Beman ICS Hunter Juniors Magnus 4 blade Stinger Broadheads *Trophy Taker "Shaky Hunter" Dropaway Rest

*Trufire Hurricane Junior Release

*Lucky's Tent Blind for concealment and

*Tink's Smokin Sticks Rut and All Season as an attractant/cover scent. We have seen more bigger bucks this year since we started burning Tink's Smokin Stick.

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